Chapter 5

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My Angel 👼
12 Years Ago
Woodland Hospital 🏥
Angelica's Point Of View

I have been sitting in this waiting room for 2 hours now. I had already called my dad and told him what happened... thankfully,he permitted me to stay at the hospital."Tyler, please wake up" I said in my mind. I did not know that I was crying until I noticed someone standing beside me staring into the space. I was startled and turned to see Jake sitting beside me."Jake, what are you doing here?

Jake's Point Of View
She was startled when she saw me. I had been sitting there for over 30 minutes but she did not notice.
     When I walked into the hospital, I saw her sitting at one corner quietly. I decided to walk up to her and ask her about Tyler but I discovered she was crying. Why was she crying? Was she in love with Tyler? But I think I have started loving this Angelica.
"Please, Angelica, do not love Tyler... love me instead". I said in my mind wishing she would hear. I quietly sat down beside her and started staring into the space until her voice brought me out of my trance:"Jake, what are you doing here?" "Are you not supposed to be at home?" she asked. "I wanted to check on Tyler" I replied. She nodded and I continued"you were crying when I came so I decided to allow you show your emotions... I didn't want to disturb you.

Angelica's Point Of View
"You were crying when I came"...
I was crying? I did not even notice" I apologized to him ."It is okay, how is Tyler?" he asked. I told him I had not heard from the doctor yet and as if just in cue, the doctor stepped out from the emergency room and I rushed towards him. "Doctor, how is he?" I enquired. "Young lady, calm down, he is fine but might be unconscious for more than 6 hours precisely 8 hours. He is very weak and his system does not need any disturbance. I would suggest you reach his family as soon as possible and prepare food rich in protein and vitamins preferably fruits for him. If you'll excuse me ...." he concluded and walked away. Jake advised me to go home and rest, that he would do his best to contact Tyler's family. I reluctantly agreed and told the nurses that I would be back in the morning. Jake walked me to the bus station, paid my fare and wished me a sound night rest. But how will I sleep soundly when Tyler was lying in the hospital still unconscious? 🥺🥺

Jake's Point Of View
She looked so tired and weak and although she tried to look strong, I knew she was very weak so I convinced her to go and come back in the morning. I knew that I could not bear to see her sad. I was falling for her. I promised that I would contact Tyler's family but how would I do that? I had no idea where he even lived or if he had any friends. Damn🤦‍♂️... what did I just agree to?

The Next Day
Woodland Hospital 🏥
Jake's Point Of View cont'd
I yawned and stretched myself. I rubbed my eyes and realized I fell asleep at the hospital waiting room. I succeeded in reaching Tyler's uncle through our principal but he said he was not in town and would not be back until a fortnight.  That was in two weeks!!! I guess I fell asleep thinking of how we were going to cater for Tyler. I needed to go home and prepare for school.
As I was about to leave, I saw Angelica walk in with a flask and a basket of fruits. I could not resist calling out to her with a smile.

Angelica's Point Of View
"Angelica" I heard someone call my name and turned to see Jake smiling at me. I walked to him and after exchanging pleasantries, I asked him if he contacted Tyler's family. He told me what his uncle said and I decided to take care of him pending when his uncle returns. He looked surprised and I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes but he shrugged it off and told me he was leaving so as to prepare for school. He also promised to be back as soon as school was over to check on Tyler. I thanked him for his efforts and he left while I headed towards ward 1 room 303- Tyler's room.

Tyler's Point Of View
My head was pounding hard- it was as if there were billions of harness driving nails into my skull. My eyelids were very heavy and my throat and mouth very dry. I felt pains all over my body but my head and stomach hurts me the most. L tried to recall how I got there but my mind was blank. I was enveloped in total darkness at my eyes were still shut. "My angel, where are you?" I asked as I figured out nothing from the darkness. But then I heard the door creak and someone walked in. I moved my fingers a bit and felt the figure coming closer to me . I had to force my eyelids open. When I did, I saw my dazzling angel smiling down at me with tears in her eyes ."Tyler...she called...

Angelica's Point Of View
I walked into the room and saw Tyler still-l lying unconsciously there on the bed. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I moment moved closer to him. Suddenly,I thought I saw his fingers move and I sat down beside him and smiled down at him. He opened his eyes just as I called him: "

Tyler's Point Of View
I am so happy that she was the first thing I got to see all I opened my eyes. She was so beautiful at ever. I noticed she was smiling and I managed to force out a smile too."How ar
e you feeling?"she asked. Since my throat was dry ,I turned my gaze which she followed to a can of water on a nearby desk. She poured me a glass and helped me sit up.

Angelica's Point Of View
I helped him up and gave him the things I brought and I helped him eat. He asked why I was not in school and I told him I'd wanted to take care of him personally. Ohhh... How he smiled. I knew he was grateful though he said nothing. I told him what had transpired at school with Mason. I also told him Jake was really sorry and would come to apologize to him later in the evening. I also told him that his uncle had given permission for him to stay at my house till he returned. He was surprised😯 and wanted to say something but the doctor's arrival interrupted him. The doctor said he would be discharged that evening and that he was free to go home. I was very elated and could not wait for evening to fall.

Tyler's Point Of View
I am staying at her house for two weeks!!😳😳🤯.... I'm freaking out!!! Mixed emotions ..  but how could my uncle even agree to this? 🤦‍♂️
Guess I didn't even matter that much to him🥺. Anyways, it's not like there's a better option. We will leave after I am discharged.

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