Chapter Four

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Arrogant Prince 🤴
12 Years Ago ⌛⌛
Creole High 🏫
    Mason's Point Of View
"Will you drive faster you moron!" " I am terribly sorry sir", the driver replied. "Sorry for your miserable life" I retorted. I don't know why my dad is still keeping this dead ass as my driver even after complaining umpeteethly about him. I heard from my best friend Jake that a pretty girl joined our class and she was already friends with that dumb ass, Tyler. If this was true, I would squeeze life out of him- that poor church rat. Angelica or whatsoever her name was would be and must be my queen. My driver pulled to a stop at the parking lot and I climbed down. Jake arrived almost immediately and we walked into the school together.

Tyler's Point Of View
I came to school very early today. I was very optimistic about today and was eagerly waiting for my new friend to come to school. I could not wait to see her beautiful smile. As if in alliance with my thoughts, the door knob turned and the door opened. I gave my best smile thinking it was Angelica but only to see my arch enemy 👿 and his best demon😈 staring at me with a smile on their bastardy faces. I stared at them in shock. I knew I was in for it.

Mason's Point Of View
I chuckled as I saw his smile turn to shock when he saw Jake and I. This was a perfect opportunity to pick on him as no one was in class yet. We walked towards him but he kept moving backwards till his back touched the wall. We laughed at him so hard that he teared up immediately....ohhh...what a sissy. "Do not cry yet feather brains, I have not started yet and you've already started your waterfalls. Blood will flow soon" I said menacingly as I punched his stomach. He groaned in pain and fell on the floor; this gave me joy and Jake kicked his back. I pulled him up and punched his nose. He groaned louder this time and I was about to slap him when the door opened.

Angelica's Point Of View
I left the hallway after getting my books from my locker. I looked around to see if I would see Tyler but I didn't see him at the hallway. I felt bad and decided to walk to class earnestly hoping he was there. I walked past a group of gossiping girls who giggled as I walked past. I turned and scowled at them but they burst into laughter. I just sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

  As I approached class 402, my supposed class, I heard someone groan as if in pain and chuckles followed. I drew back a little but decided to open the door. I turned the door knob and opened the door just in time to see Jake and another guy trying to slap Tyler. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?!!!"😡😡

Tyler's Point Of View
I heard the door open and someone walk in but my view was obstructed by Jake and Mason. I could decipher from the shoes that it was a female but I just didn't know which girl it was . But then I heard her yell: " Hey, what are you trying to do?!!". I could recognize that voice even in my dreams- Angelica. " Please stay away from them, they can hurt you" I told her. "They would never dare. Whom do they think they are? Silly dumbasses" she yelled back. I tried to stand but I fell because I was already very weak. I groaned in pain as I wiped blood from my nose. She tried to rush to my aid but was obstructed by Jake." Angel, please go. I can handle this" I told her weakly. "No, I can't leave you here Tyler". "Please, just leave🥺" I pleaded with her. To my relief she agreed to leave but then I heard her say" I am going to the principal" as she turned and walked out of the class.

James Point Of View
Immediately I heard her say that she was going to the principal, I gasped. That would mean detention or even suspension. No, not again. I noticed that Mason was still standing like a dummy ever since Angelica entered the class. So , I nudged him and tried to get his attention but he was just staring at her retreating figure. I decided to help myself and plead with her. " Angelica" I called and ran after her .

Angelica's Point Of View
I heard someone call my name. I turned back to see one of the bullies running after me. I was almost at the Principal's door. " Angelica, please wait" he called again. I turned and folded my hands across my chest, a scowl very evident on my face🤨. When he got closer, i could clearly see the remorse on his face as he apologized. He looked truly sorry so I decided to forgive him but on a condition that he apologizes to Tyler and promises not to bully him again. I knew it was difficult for him but it was a sacrifice he had to make and he readily agreed. We both walked back to the class for Jake to apologize only to meet another shocking sight.

Writer's Point Of View 📝📝
I think Jake is a good guy just being influenced negatively...
What are your thoughts?💁

Mason's Point Of View
After Jake left, I came back to my senses. Gosh! She was very beautiful even more than Jake had described. She was a goddess. I heard her rant and call me bad names but I didn't care .
After Jake ran after her, I pulled up to dead prey and grabbed him by the collar and smashed his head against the wall. He slumped but I didn't notice because I was filled with rage. I just kept punching him.

Jake's Point Of View
We opened the door and saw Mason punching an unconscious Tyler. I heard Angelica scream and suddenly the whole class was filled up. She immediately rushed to Tyler whose glasses were already in pieces and turned him over. His face was very bloody and she started crying. I rushed out and called Mr. Fernandez, our french mistress who alerted the school nurses and a stretcher was brought. He was rushed to the school clinic but the case was beyond what they could handle. He was rushed to the hospital with Angelica following them. Meanwhile, Mason was detained by the school security. He was suspended for a month. He left with his driver who was called up by the school authorities. I was just confused. I stayed till the end of the school day and left for the hospital where Tyler was admitted.

Writer's Point Of View 📝📝
Poor Tyler 😔😔
Do you think Mason's punishment is enough for what he did to our Tyler?

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