A/N pls read important

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Hey guys I'm sorry to say this but I am taking a break from this story. I will come back but I don't feel comfortable with all the things going around about mgg. So I just think a break is best. I'm also working on other stories. I am really sorry. I wish I knew what is true about the whole mgg situation, so for that reason I don't have a opinion, but I do believe you should always believe the victim until it's proven wrong. This may earn me hate but if it comes out that Matthew gray gubler did sexually assault the girl, I don't think I will continue this story. It just wouldn't feel right. Yes I know this is not a Spencer Reid fanfic but he is a big part of this story. Again I am really sorry, but to me it just doesn't seem right. I hope I will be able to continue this story, but for now I have to say goodbye. Thank you so much for all this support. I hope you all understand, and if you don't just know it's just what I believe is right.

Goodbye for now❤️

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