Chapter 4 - Happy pregnancy

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Weeks skip to the monster stage .

Sunwoo ; I wouldn't lie that you look very pretty and sexy in that outfit

-Sunwoo said as he lick his lips-

Chanhee : I'm always pretty woo and plus , I still need to perform so don't be harsh on me

Sunwoo ; Oh we'll see about that .

Chanhee ; Unless you want to get a whip in the ass by Sangyeon hyung .

Sunwoo ; Oh no not in the ass , I still need that to pound on you !!

Chanhee ; Well guessing after you pound on me you couldn't pound on me anymore

Sunwoo ; No I still needed that~

Manager ; Performance time ~!!

The Boyz ; Coming ~

After performing monster

On our on the hallway , we faced with ikon sunbae with their collaboration partner , BLACKPINK Lisa

Lisa ; New~ how are you ??

She said cling her arms on Chanhee

Chanhee ; I-I'm fine?...

Sunwoo glared at Lisa who cling her arms with Chanhee , there's fire in his eyes . He ok with Chanhee and boys but with girls ? Bug uh , he would rather punch in the face then kick their asses .

Ikon notice sunwoos expression and try to get Lisa out of Chanhee's arms as he tried few times already to get Lisa of his arms

Bobby ; L-Lisa yah let go of Chanhee

Lisa ; What?! After million years of waiting to meet him . You told me to let go?! No way !! He's mine !!

Other groups gather around to see the problem .

Hongjoong ; I told you some shit is about to go down ..

Sunwoo walk infront and yanked Chanhee from Lisa .

Sunwoo ; I've had enough of you , you better stay away from my boyfriend or else ..

Lisa ; Or else what?! And what?! He's boyfriend?! What you're fans gonna say when they finds out about you and Chanhee dating?!

-she smirks-

Sunwoo ; I don't care what they think ! In positive thoughts , they'll support us no matter what .

Lisa ; Like they would *smirk* I'm guessing you haven't told them . Should I help you to tell them? It would be a pleasure .

Sunwoo ; Then tell them , I don't care *he said in his dark voice and death stare*

Lisa ; Pleasurely and , gay are gross . Maybe you two also fbcked . Disgusted .

Sunwoo ; -smirks- since you decided to broke my secret , I wouldn't hesitate to broke yours

Lisa ; I don't have ANY secrets

Sunwoo ; What about you hitting on my boyfriend?! And only use him as your desires?!

Lisa ; Like you actually love him?!

Sunwoo ; Of course I do !! I'm not like you !! Only play with people hearts . He's mine and forever mine . If I ever founds out you forced him or do anything , I will not hesitate to kill you MYSELF !!

He yelled making Lisa's flinch and other's too . He grab Chanhee hands and enter their waiting room . Not forgetting the others follows them so make sure Chanhee still able to walk .

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