The Dream Of Anders Fannemel

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Anders Fannemel's dream is to become world champion and Olympic champion. In 2015 he managed to make history for having made the new record of the jump in Vikersund, which unfortunately lasted only two years, that is until 2017, when first Robert Johansson and immediately after Stefan Kraft made him descend from the throne of the record of the jump, always in Vikersund. He doesn't care about the record, or at least that was what he thought, but he cares a lot about being on top in both the World Cup and the Winter Olympics. Anders Fannemel doesn't need to break records to win. To win you need to be ready and focused, but also to tame the wind. The long jumps are his specialty and he works hard to achieve the goal. His results may vary from the point of view of the jump his opponents do, but both the positive and negative ones are part of the Norwegian ski jumper's career. His exultations are so special that he doesn't use so much euphoria, but he does it with discretion. And when he wins, he brings out all the joy he had inside of him. Often the weather can decide the outcome of the competition events and Anders Fannemel knows this perfectly well. He has now become a living legend in ski jumping and it is for this reason that the Hopplandslaget team keeps him close. But it would be a real shame if he decides to retire, because this magic that he manages to bring to the Norwegian team will vanish forever and the ski jumping will lose a legend, a true myth that no other ski jumper would be able to achieve the same ability. That he has. Ski jumping would never be the same without Anders Fannemel and even he knows it. He would be very sad with full of tears, which could last days, months, years or forever, depending on the moods of his fans, his team and his colleagues. But as long as he still wants to jump, he wants to show everyone what he can do, which is to do long jumps. He will surely always do his best to him, but even if he is shy, he is also strong and brave. It's like a phoenix. He is reborn from an injury that had caused him to distance himself from his passion for ski jumping for two years. In short, he gave the nightmares good service, which sent them straight to hell. Dear Anders Fannemel, always believe in your dream, always get up in difficult times and never stop giving up. Whether you can become world champion and Olympic champion is entirely up to you. Trust yourself and always believe in it. May the force be with you!

Anders Fannemel - The biography of the Norwegian ski jumperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ