ron weasley ✓

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[taken by aethrastic_dreamxx]

WITH HIS FATHER out of the picture, and his mother in and out of prison Forrest Barnes* had to grow up far too quickly.

From a young age, he had to look after his two younger siblings. Be the parent they didn't have. Feed them, bathe them, care for them, make sure they stayed happy, made sure they stayed kids.

And in the process he had to stop being a kid himself.

But out on the Quidditch Pitch? Up in the air? Twisting and turning, weightless, so high up from everything and anyone. For a moment he could forget about all his worries, all his troubles, and although it pained him to admit it, he could forget about his siblings.

For a brief moment, so high in the air, he could leave all of his troubles on the ground, and he could feel like a child again.

That was why joining the Quidditch team was so important to him. That feeling of child - like joy is something he had experienced so little of in his life. He wanted to feel it every day. And the only way to feel it every day was by joining the Quidditch team. So everyday, a week before tryouts, Forrest would sneak over to the pitch to practice and practice and practice, till the sun went down and his legs were numb, to ensure him a place on the team.

It seems like he wasn't the only one with that idea. A certain red headed Gryffindor had been doing the same thing. So they struck up an agreement, they would practice together, so they could both make it onto the team.

But out there on the Quidditch Pitch, spending time with Ron Weasley, Forrest found another thing, or person, who made him feel like a child again.

━━━━━ NOTES

so forrest is a real serious person, he had to grow up way to quickly, and he's really serious, never jokes about anything, never really smiles, always tries to appear strong and mature, for his siblings.

but Ron is really hilarious, we all know that. And so the whole real premise of their romance is that Ron is the only person who can make Forrest laugh, and let loose, and feel like a kid again.

my one requirement for this fic is that somewhere in the fic, once Forrest and Ron are in a relationship, Forrest and his siblings stays with the Weasley's for a few days, and Mrs Weasley gives Forrest a hug, and acts really motherly towards him, and that Forrest will tear up because he's never felt parental affection. It will heartbreaking, and so sad, and I will cry reading it, but you have to write it in.

and Mrs Weasley will all but adopt Forrest and his siblings after that, cause Mrs Weasley is an amazing person god damn it, and I'm so sick of people portraying her negatively.

so Forrest is 15 going 16 in this fic, it's set in Order of the Phoenix, he has one sister, who is 13, and a brother who is 10. There mother is currently in jail ( again ) and so Dumbeledore has let Forrest's younger brother stay at Hogwarts, even though he's too young. I dunno how the logistics and legality of it would all work, I guess you'll have to figure that out lol.

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