5) PT 2) John the Hedgehog

245 8 7

Word count: 741
*Sherlock's POV*

It had been a couple of weeks since my brother Mycroft had given me the abandoned hegehog, John, and we were already inseperable. During the day, he would perch in the palm of my hand or in my pocket while I worked, and during the night, he would curl up on my chest and we would sleep peacefully. On the nights I didn't sleep, which were becoming less frequent with a tiny friend around, I would sit cross-legged on the floor or my bed working, and he could snuggle up in my lap. I took him to crime scenes now, ignoring the comments and looks from Donovan and Anderson (and the rest of the people at the Yard, apart from Lestrade who liked John too) and letting him watch my deductions. He always seemed incredibly impressed, as if he could understand every word I was saying.

Sometimes I would spend hours, even days talking to him, just talking. Even if he was asleep I could carry on speaking. Sometimes I would talk about my cases, or rant about how normal people were so stupid and slow. I don't like people. I'm autistic (aspergers apparently) and I guess that affects my people skills and intelligence levels. According to my old therapist, I have special interests, and mine were science stuff and deduction, along with bees and a few others. I've never really thought about it all that much, but sometimes it helps to talk to John about it all.

And, dispite hegehogs usually having sharp spikes to defend themselves, John's were more blunt and I had never pricked myself on them, so I could stroke him like any other animal, which he seemed to like.


*Greg's POV*

Sherlock had a little hedgehog friend now, apparently, given to him by Mycroft, my boyfriend. He called him John and often brought him along to crime scenes. Probably not very professional, but both me and Mycroft agreed that it was rather sweet to see his sentimental side, no matter how impractical he claims caring to be.

I now sat in a cab on my way to 221B Baker Street, ready to tell Sherlock about a new case. Triple homicide, had to be at least a 7 or 8. He hadn't had a case in a few days and would be delighted to go out on this one.

I payed the cabbie and rang the doorbell, greeting Mrs Hudson as she let me in. Dashing up the stairs, I calked out for Sherlock, only to find him curled up at the foot of his chair, tracing patterns on the floor and watching happily and John chased his finger. I waited at the doorway, watching the moment for a few minutes and catching my breath back, before Sherlock finally decided to look up.

"Go away, Graham, can't you see I'm busy?" he scowled at me, jumping his hands to different places on the floor to let John run over to them and back again.

"Doing what? Playing with your hegehog? Can't you bring him with you, like you usually do?" I really needed him on this case. He shifted his gaze back to John.

"Solve it yourself, he wants to play."

"It's a triple homicide. Please, we need you."

"You know my methods. Apply them."

"Fine," I huffed, and sat down on the floor opposite Sherlock. He looked up at me, an expression of surprise on his face. I held my hand out for John to sniff, and he did so, his best friend eyeing me in a way that told me I'd gwt murdered if I ever hurt the little hedgehog. Which was probably true. I grinned at him.

Me and Sherlock sat there for what must've been over an hour, playing with John the hedgehog, him chasing our fingers around as we slid them across the floor in random patterns, sometimes backtracking out route to let him roll over in an attempt to quickly change direction. I had called Mycroft to get me off work for a bit; calling my boyfriend to tell him I wanted to skip work to play with his brother's hedgehog would most likely go down a little better than if I were to call Scotland Yard to say the same thing.






A/N: sorry if this feels a bit unfinished - I'm not very good with endings. I hope you've enjoyed this oneshot collection so far! What do you guys think of the 2-part oneshots? Thanks :)

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