Chapter 8: Forgiveness?

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Levi's POV

With some time to spare, I don't think I was fair to Hanji, so I wanted to make it up to her. Money is somewhat tight, so I couldn't just... pay her. And honestly, is money really a good way to apologize? I don't think so. The closest thing I could think of was... food. Right before Hanji takes her lunch, I went out to get us some burgers. Burgers with fries and a drink. Well... I don't even know what kind of drink she wants... so I just got her a vanilla milkshake as her drink.

Peeking into her classroom, I saw her smiling as she wrote down some sort of equations on the board. She truly loved this sort of thing. Even the door made a noise and the students turned to me as I walked in. Hanji wasn't even disturbed by the slight noise to her rant. 

The bell rang, which jumped Hanji from her stream of thoughts. "Alright- since I didn't get to finish today's lesson on time today, there's no homework. But tomorrow, I'll bet you all $5 that you will get homework afterward. Alright? Have a good lunch, you guys."

The students quickly stuffed their bags with papers and notebooks into their bags before rushing out of the classroom. Still, Hanji did not notice me. I watched the full classroom drain into only one person in the classroom.

With a reluctant sigh, I walked to Hanji and tossed her the bag of her lunch. Gently, I put her milkshake next to her. She looked up to me with curiosity tingling in her eyes. "L-Levi? I thought you were busy with Erwin-."

"I was. I had some time to spare. And... I wanted to apologize."

"You allowing me to teach the way I've been teaching for years is a good enough apology." Her eyes gleamed at the milkshake as she hastily grabbed it. "But... this is appreciative."

On her desk, there was something odd on her desk- some sort of folded paper. I pointed at it, "May I?" I asked her as she gave me a head nod. Opening it, it was something scrawled so... messily. I could hardly read it.

Hanji chuckles, taking the paper away from my hands, and began to read from it. "Grand opening for Crystal Rose Restaurant downtown. Come and go with acquaintances." She chuckles softly, folding it back up. "Oh, Sasha..."


"In my second class, she's a freshman. And one of her key traits is that she's a foodie. No doubt she sent me this little letter promoting the restaurant. I don't know why she's doing it though..."

"Huh." I chuckled softly, making a soft joke, "Maybe you should go with friends."

Hanji takes a few sips from her milkshake before smiling. "Only friends I have are my co-workers here. I don't think I ever went with them outside of work-related things. So, I don't think I would go there anytime. Sorry, Levi."

"Crystal Rose, huh?" I took back the folded paper, squinting to read what it said. "Hanji, do you really forgive me for what I did earlier?"

"Levi, you don't play around, do you?" She smiles, taking a few fries to munch on. "Levi, I forgive you. Did you really have to hear that from me? Or was there something else I need to do to help convince you that it's completely fine?"

"I... I don't know. It's kinda... shameful, you know? I didn't know that you had a special kind of way. I've been taught that there's only one sort of teaching and the other way was more so of... a way that students would just slack off."

"If you can teach them well enough, then they won't slack off. Easy as that, Levi."

With a soft sigh, I nodded my head and began to take my leave. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then, Hanji. For the staff meeting."

"See you then."

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