Chapter 17: First Day of School- Again

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Eren's POV

Armin smiles softly as he takes a seat in our science class. The first day of school, the first class of the day. We couldn't believe that we had gotten Ms. Zoe once again as our science teacher- but also in the same class?! Even we knew about this whole thing, it still baffles me. All three of us...

"Where's Ms. Zoe? She's usually in class way before us." Armin looks around the room.

Mikasa shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure... I did see her near the faculty room. Maybe she's having a meeting with the other teachers. After all, I heard about the German classes now available."


Armin tilts his head slightly. "Are you taking German?"

Reluctantly, I nodded my head. "Mom's making me. She says since my ancestors are from Germany, might as well learn the language. I have it in 4th period though... right after lunch. So... wish me luck then."

"It shouldn't be that bad-."

"That's because you're half German, Mikasa!" I sighed, shaking my head. "You're pretty much fluent in it-."

"I'm fluent in Japanese. Not German. But my uncle should know it. Remember Uncle Leon? If you want, I can ask my dad to take us to him. Then we can... spend time studying it? And Armin, you're welcome to join it as well."

Armin shook his head, "N-No, that's fine. I'm thinking of starting a club."

"Club?" I leaned towards him, feeling a smile widening. "What kind of club, Armin?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe a book club? The principal actually found me a few weeks before school ended last year... and he suggested I should start a club. He said he was going to help sponsor it for me if I choose to do so."


"You know... be in charge of it. I'm surprised... principals don't really do that. But he's actually going to be the teacher in charge of it. All I need to do is... sign up to be president of the club, get some members... and figure out a way to... be the best... I guess."

"I'll join your club."

He perks up with a smile. "Well, thanks, Eren. But... I... I want to try to recruit members first. By myself. Thanks for the help though... but I want to try my best."

Mikasa pats Armin's shoulders, also smiling at him. "We'll always be here for you." She suddenly looks up towards the door. I also see what she sees and tapped Armin's arms rapidly. "Ms. Zoe's here."

The bell rings and Ms. Zoe had a huge smile on her face. "Good morning, class," she says, "Hopefully you all had a wonderful summer break. I know, I know, sadly you don't have any more days of sleeping in and enjoying the hell that is school. But that's why I'm here- to make your school days somewhat better. Now, school policy says that there is no eating or drinking in class- but I'm willing to waver it for multiple reasons. Yes... erm... Sasha?"

We all turned heads to her, "What do we need to do to waver the policy, Ms. Zoe?"

"For starters... you should have at least a B in my class. Once you have at least a B in my class, if you don't make any mess, I'll allow it. The second reason would be if you need to eat. If you're diabetic and didn't get enough food before class, tell me and I'll allow you to eat. But once more, no messes. And as long as you do not eat more than 10 minutes without taking breaks to do your work, I'll allow it. I'm looking at you, Sasha."

I laughed along with the classroom as she hid behind a book. "Sorry, Ms. Zoe."

"Wait, last year, the messes weren't such a huge deal," began Jean, "why are we worrying about it now?"

Ms. Zoe sighed, bowing her head to the ground before having a smile. "The vice-principal has a thing for... cleanliness. He'll kill me if he sees me not only allowing you guys to break the no eating, no drinking policy, but the fact I'm letting you guys leave wrappers and other trash on the ground... he's not going to like it. Alright? And I would rather be on his good side-."

"Ms. Zoe, is it true you're dating him?"

Silence filled the air as Connie's question lingered. Ms. Zoe was stammering and couldn't form a sentence. I did see them kiss one time... but... are they really together? Like... permanent?

"Most of the time, I would love to share my personal life with you guys. It makes us bond with each other. But honestly... I'm not at liberty to say anything about that topic."

No one cared to raise their hands for questions anymore. "So, that means... you are dating the vice-principal, Ms. Zoe," Reiner says, "we're not that stupid. Last year, we've heard rumors. We've seen a few things. Ms. Zoe-."

"As I said. I'm not at liberty to say anything about this. Let's change the subject- unless you want actual homework tonight." To no one's surprise, everyone shuts up. "Now, most classes would begin with name games and stuff like that- this time, we're not doing that. I'll let you guys mingle with each other. Know each other. You're all going to be best friends until the end of the school year. Then you start all over in junior year next year. Either mingle with each other or a name game. Your choice."

Everyone voted for the mingle choice. Everyone hates that name game thing.

{LeviHan} Educate MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora