002~ LUNCH!!!

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Ring. Ring. Ring. (The bell)

"Ughhh. Finally class is over."

I grabbed my bag and Kenma's and dashed over to the door, dragging the pudding head with me and he continued to play on his PSP like nothing was happening.

"Umm, y/n where do you think you're going?" I rolled my eyes and turned my head "The bell doesn't dismiss you I do."

"Then why do we have a bell, miss?" I said sarcastically

"If you walk out right now, that's a detention!" She yelled as I walked out

"Y/n! Mum is gonna whoop your ass when we get home." Kuroo whisper yelled as he caught up to us

"She's not even here. They're on a business trip remember?" I continued dragging Kenma by his collar down the hallway.

I abruptly stopped and let go of Kenma's collar so he could stand up. I dropped our bags next to his feet and ran to the opening door at the end of the hallway.

"My babies~" I screamed in excitement as Dani and AJ stepped out of their classroom. I pulled them into a huge embrace.

"Heyyy~" they spoke happily

"So where are we eating for lunch?" Kenma and Kuroo asked as we got back to them 

"McDonald's!" we yelled as we ran to the locker room.

We quickly changed our shoes and waited outside impatiently for the boys.

{Time skip}


We all ordered our food

"Okay, AJ it's your turn"

She started to panic

"AJ calm down!" Dani whisper yelled

Now, this happens regularly.

"I thought you had this under control. What the fuck happened?!" Kuroo asked

She held onto my arm tightly "Can someone just please order for me?"

"AJ!" Me and Dani looked at her with a serious expression.

"I'm sorry! I just can't do it!" She screamed closing her eyes

"I'll do it since I end up doing it every time anyways," Kenma said, knowing damn well we weren't listening.

Whilst we all scolded her and moved towards a table, Kenma grabbed all the food.

{Time skip}

We all calmed down and were almost done eating.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you guys if you wanna come to a party tomorrow?" Kuroo asked

"Bitch- the fuck! Why couldn't you tell us before?! I refuse to go!" Us girls shouted


We ignored him and went into our little discussion about why he's stupid.

"Kenma you'll come right?"

"No, Kuro."


"Because I said no"

"That's not a real reason"

"Okay, but I'm still not going."

"Why though?"

"'Cause I don't want to"

And so they broke out into an argument, whilst we just sat there and watched. Not even trying to stop them. Kenma got up and went to the bathroom after he made his point clear.

"Hmmm..." Kuroo turned to me with an evil grin on his face


"Why not?"

"Because he said he didn't want to go."

"Fine then I guess I won't help you with your homework."

My ears perked up, "You can't do that!"

"I can if you don't do what I want! And you know he always says yes to you!"

"...ugh fine!"

Kenma finally came back, I turned to my side to look at him.

"Kenma~" I whispered and he hummed in response

"Will you go to the party, if I go too?"

"Yeah" he spoke while looking in his lap

"Okay, then all sorted!" I said with excitement "We're all going!"

"Aight then we're coming to your house to change???" Dani asked

"Of course, you can sleep over as well if you want."

"Yay!" AJ exclaimed, "But what am I gonna wear?"

"FT later???" Dani suggested and both of us agreed

As I sat back I could see that the tip of Kenma's ears was pink; as Kuroo teased him about being a simp. 


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a/n: Thanks for choosing to read this ff <3

Also why tf do teachers gotta be extra for absolutely no reason. My teacher started having a temper tantrum like a 5-year-old in front of the whole class, LMAO

Anyways I hope you're doing amazing and staying safe 

Love ya sweeties <3333333

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