Chapter 5

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Flynn's PoV

I watched as Tayla kept reassuring Danielle that she doesnt hate me. Danielle was bawling her eyes out...I somehow couldnt help it but smirk.

"I dont hate your dad ohkay Danny?We just couldnt agree on something ,right Flynn?"Tayla asked her voice gruf and eyes glaring holes in my forehead.

"Mhmm" I merely answered a smirk still on my face.I loved this woman and nothing was gonna stop me from having her back. She just doesnt realise this but she is madly in love with me.

I am not at fault for how our relationship ended...she just didnt know when to stop talking and reprimanding me like I was some three year old. She is at fault . And Im getting her back.

She cant just leave me and expect me to be ohkay with it. Im getting her back!No matter what it takes!

Tayla's Pov

Last night was hectic.I had to convince Danielle that I dont hate her father. She kept wailing about how she doesnt want her mom to hate her dad and I dont think she understands because she's only three years old .

I had to reassure her that I appreciate her dad whereas her dad just stood there and smirked...For what reason I have no idea.

When we finally put her back in bed I immediately walked back to my room not sparing Flynn another word.I was deeply annoyed and I could just smack him in the face but I dont want my daughter growing up around violence and conflict.

That is the reason I left Flynn. The conflict wouldnt be good for the growth of Danny. I dont even know what the relationship would have come to if I stayed in a relationship in which I was being emotionally abused .

It became detrimental to my mental health. I hid how unhappy I was from everyone else but as soon as I was alone I would break down and cry my eyes out.

I was depressed and I dont know how it would be if Danny was to grow up with a emotionally detached mother and a father who was rarely around. The day I left...I did what I thought was best for myself and my daughter!


"Tonight is going to be lit"Ivy sqealed twirling around in her dress like a little girl.I giggled seeing how she was more excited about the bachelorette party more than I was.

I know is was a little late to have one but is what I wanted .I put on a happy facáde today although I was still a little upset after my argument with Flynn last night.

More especially for him to take the matter lightly as though it was a joke. I hadnt seen him all day today which was good because I didnt want no one ruining my mood today.

"That dress is so fabulous"Olivia said to Ivy who was like a little ball of energy bouncing about in the room.

"Honey,I always look fabulous. Infact I am the definition of fabulous"She sassed while flipping her hair over her shoulder and pouting. "Dude ,I bet you are more excited for this than I am"I laughed while playfully rolling my eyes.

"Who wouldnt be excited for a night of  booze and dancing?"Ivy had always been the party girl. In college she was the life of the party and she was always invited to all the parties.

"I know you cant stop fidgiting but could you please do my make-up so that I can look as good as you"I asked Ivy. She has always been good with make up ,she could make it look natural but with hints of colour and a little bit of sparkle.

"You know,you make the prettiest bride I've ever seen"Olivia complemented as soon as my make up was done and I was about to change into my bachelorette party outfit.

"Thank you Olivia...Im hoping my brother does the right thing and makes you a bride "I smiled while Olivia smiled back,she was such a sweet girl and I enjoyed getting to know her.

"Stop yapping and get dressed so that we can hit the club already"Ivy said pulling me out the chair so that I could get dressed.


The party bus that we rented was not what I expected it to be like. It was soo hyped up in the advertisement and only brought down our expectations.

Firstly we had a terrible driver who just didnt know how to be punctual  and also they clearly didnt know the use of brakes and when to use them properly.

I was not happy at all. I so wanted to ask for a refund . As we drove we kept crashing into one another because the driver to brake when we least expected it.

We would be dancing and the drive would run a red light and as soon as we passed the red lights ,the driver's logic would come back and he would brake unexpectedly.We really need to check if this guy has a valid driver's license.

We were all annoyed by the time we arrived at the club.We chose a small but very popular dance club .

The music was loud and could be heard from atleast a mile away. Even the ground felt like it was vibrating a little from the bass.

"Woooooowww. This is gonna  be lit"Ivy sqealed fist pumping the air.

On this particular night it was dark and had a certain mystery to it and I definetely felt like it was going to be an eventful night. Lets see what the night has in store for us!Let the partying begin!

Flynn is such a character...
What do you think is gonna happen at the party?
Please vote and comment and lets atleast get this to 5 votes😍❤

Nd thank you for reading very much appreciated❤❤❤❤😘

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