Toughest Of Times

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It took three weeks to fix up the farmhouse. At that time, they stayed in Grammy's farmhouse every night until they managed to fix up their new place.

Finally, after weeks of hardwork, the farmhouse looked brand new. The walls were painted red and blue while most of the doors and windows were replaced with metal, automatic doors and windows (Crusher's own creation). They even built an invisibility shield around the house in case anyone that could hurt them would never find the house, along with some booby traps that only Grammy could deactivate, so they told their friends to contact them before coming to visit.

Now that they had their home and their own space, away from any danger, they got closer with one another, through the best of times and the toughest of times...




Crusher watched as the news of him and Blaze leaving spread across the internet.

There were bashers, there were haters, there were all kinds of reactions that resulted into rage and hatred for them both. Every insult hurt him, no matter how much he was used to it already.

But what hurt him the most were the death threats.

The peope were yelling, threatening to kill Pickle, Darington, Zeg and their other friends, along with death threats to kill Blaze. It was all too much as he watched it all pop up on the screen of his tablet.

As he did, Blaze drove into the room and frowned at the scared look on his face.

"More threats...?"

"Y-Yeah..." Crusher shuddered. "It... It just keeps on going..."

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Blaze smiled and drove to his side. "They can't hurt you since we're already far away. You have nothing to worry about,"

Crusher gulped and nodded before watching him take his leave again. He glanced at his tablet and sighed, turning it off as he began to tear.

How was he gonna tell him that the threat wasn't just on him...?

"Hey... what's the matter?" Blaze turned back after hearing his sigh.

"N-Nothing," Crusher shook his head and got up. "I... I just need to get to Grammy... if you don't mind,"

"Oh... sure."

Blaze nodded but frowned as he watched his lover go. What was going on with him...?


"Grammy..." Crusher entered his grandmother's farmhouse with a sad smile.

"What is it, Crushy?" Grammy turned from her work and smiled at her grandson.

"I... I need some help," Crusher sniffled his tears. "There... There are people threatening to kill Blaze and our friends if... if Blaze and I still are gonna be together. I... I don't know what to do... or if I should tell him..."

"You should... so he and the others can get police protection." Grammy suggested.

"They... They're also threatening to take down the police department and... and everything," Crusher sighed.

"Well, I still think you should tell him," Grammy spoke, driving to take his tires into her own. "Then you both could work things out together,"

"I... I guess so..." Crusher slowly nodded. "Thanks, Grammy,"

"No problem. Now go-- Blaze must be worried." Grammy chuckled.

Crusher smiled and gave his grandmother a hug before heading back. Just as he did, an awful idea settled onto his mind.

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