Racing Challenge

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Meanwhile, in a dark warehouse, Crusher whimpered in the chains he was held in. He tried to pry them loose again and again, but they were too tight to escape from. Glacier sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Stop moving so much..."

"NO!" Crusher yelled. "LET ME GO!""How about… no," Cryo cackled and pulled on the chains. "My cousin would do ANYTHING to free you, and I am TAKING that advantage,"

"Don't you DARE touch him!"

"SHUT UP!" Cryo slapped the dark blue truck, causing Glacier to wince behind bim. "I WILL get what I want, and Blaze WILL die, then after that you and all your little children are next."

"No... please, no... Glacier, please! You're my brother!"

Glacier hissed and turned away. Cryo chuckled and hit the dark blue truck again.

"He might be your brother, but he works for ME, so say your last goodbyes, Crusher,"

"Glacier... why...?" Crusher whimpered and began to tear.

Cryo rolled his eyes. Glacier sighed and turned to leave. The Periwinkle truck turned to him and raised his eyebrow.

"Where do you think YOU'RE going?"

"Out to make sure no one knows where he is," Glacier shrugged.

He headed out of the warehouse and shut the door. He sighed in relief and began to phone his boyfriend Speedrick.

"Hey, Rick? It's me Glacier,"

"Glacier! Where are you?"

"Long story. Listen, I need your help..."


Blaze held his breath to hold in his nervousness as he flew his way to the Monster Dome.

This was it.

He was gonna face them.

He was going to try to fix his bond with his family and friends.

He soon landed in front of the Monster Dome. He took another deep breath and headed inside to see his friends and family gathered at the pits.

"Umm... guys?"

"BLAZE?!" the group turned and gasped to see the red truck.

"I, um..." Blaze gulped but drove forward anyway. "I-I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you like that..."

"No, Blaze, we're the ones who should be sorry," AJ shook his head as he spoke up. "We shouldn't have done the things we did,"

"But... I never should have said the thing I said... about you not being my family anymore. I... I was just--"

Before he could say anything else, he found him being wrapped in a tight hug from his mom.

"We're just glad you're back," Phoenix said, tears watering down her cheeks as she held him close. "We missed you so much…"

"I... I missed you too Mom..."

"We're so sorry about everything," Flame said, his voice wavering.

"I forgive you. I forgive all of you," Blaze smiled before sighing. "But... I really need your help. Crusher's been kidnapped by Cyro and Glacier, and I need help to rescue him,"

"Asking help now, are we?"

The group turned to see Cryo drive into the Monster Dome with a smirk.

"Cyro... is what Blaze sayin' true?" Starla asked.

"Yeah! Did you really kidnap Crusher?" Sparkle questioned.

"First of, yes, of course I did," Cryo cackled confidentally. "Second, why so surprised? It's not like you sickos haven't done anything similar,"

"Leave Crusher alone," Blaze snarled. "Or you won't like what comes next."

"Tell you what, cousin? I'll offer you something for him," Cryo chuckled. "A race. Between the two of us. You versus me, no Blazing Speed, no nothing. If you win, I'll give you back Crusher, but if I win…" Cryo smirked. "Not only will I get to kill you, but I'll also get to scrap Crusher and your children to bits."

"NO!!" Blaze yelled out.

"I guess I'll see you in an hour." Cryo sneered. "Because if we don't race in an hour, I'll start scrapping your precious lover,"

With that, he turned and left the Monster Dome.

"Don't worry, baby," Phoenix assured, cupping her son's cheeks, which had tears flowing down them. "We'll get him back."

"But I… I don't have a choice," Blaze hissed. "I HAVE to race him, or he… I need to race him and save Crusher, whatever it takes,"


Glacier held his breath as he drove through the park, waiting for his lover to appear. He soon heard tire tracks coming his way, and he turned to see Cryo leaving the Monster Dome.

"What was that all about?"

"None that concerns you," Cryo shrugged before glaring. "What are YOU doing here? I never asked you to come,"

"I, uh... just went for a walk." Glacier gulped.

"Mm-hmm…" Cryo narrowed his eyes at him. "Don't you try anything, Glacier. Your sister is just a call away, and you know that she won't hesitate to kill traitors,"

"I-I'm telling the truth! I swear!"

"We'll see... the race between me and Blaze to determine lightning boy's fate, as well as his kids' fate, is in an hour. You better be there."

"I will." Glacier nodded stiffly.

Cryo glared at him one last time before turning to leave. As soon as he was far enough, Glacier sighed in relief only to jump when a pair of tires wrapped around him.

"Hey, hey!" Speedrick whispered. "It's only me."

"Oh... thank goodness," Glacier sighed in relief and turned around. "You remember the plan?"

"Yep, got it right here," Speedrick pointed to his head with a smirk. "While the race goes on, we help lightning boy escape,"

"Unfortunately, I can't be there to help because Cryo's expecting me to be at the race," Glacier sighed.

"I'll get em out. Don't you worry."

"Make sure little Magma and Zuma are okay. They're involved in Cyro's plan too."

"The twins?" Speedrick looked horrified as he choked. "But… but they're just kids! What does Cryo want with them?!"

"He wants them, Crusher AND Blaze gone. For what reason, I'm not so sure, but we have to get them outta here before something worse happens."

"You got it." Speedrick nodded. "but what about you? If Cryo or your sister finds out, who knows what they'll do to you,"

"I'm not sure... but I'll work my way out of it."

Speedrick sighed and nodded. "Alright, but if you need help, you know that I'm right here,"

"Got it," Glacier smiled and kissed his cheek. "I better get going. Good luck!"

"Same to you,"

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