Chp 4: Ring Scrapes

940 43 1

word count:2,050
( whoop look at me, new record )
a/n: there are a lot of exclamation marks in this, I had such a hard time trying to make sense of the fight scene with the trolls and everything. So if it makes no sense just imagine your own scenario if you will lol.
warning(s): sword-fighting, and shooting arrows..someone might've lost an eye
summary: L.D. takes on the trolls


I laid there until nightfall watching as Bombur used the last of the rabbit meat for supper. Thorin sent Fili and Kili out to check on the ponies and my horse.
I had kept my eye out on him throughout the rest of the evening, he seemed very stressed that Gandalf hadn't returned yet. I saw him peek over at the edge of the clearing, where the grey wizard had disappeared into.

" He's been a long time." Bilbo stated as he walked over to Bofur who was serving the stew.
"Who?" questioned Bofur as he handed a bowl over to Dwalin.

"Gandalf." As there wasn’t anyone else that he could mean.

"He's a wizard. He does as he chooses- Stop it! you had plenty." Slapping Bombur's hand as he reached for one of the bowls that was resting in his arm. "Here, Bilbo do us a favor and take these to the lads."
Nodding Bilbo took the bowls out of Bofur's hands and turned to head where Fili and Kili were supposed to be tending to the horses.

"Aye! This isn't a bad stew Bombur" Gloin said through mouthfuls "I've had worse."

"Yeah" Nori sitting next piped up "Dori coulda cooked it!" I had to roll over on my roll to hide my silent laughter. Through everyone else's laughter I was able to make out Dori's


Again, I found my eye drifting towards Thorin's as he left out another deep breath. He was perched now on log, just on the edge of camp, sharpening his sword. The flame of the fire, putting that same hue of golden light, as it did 3 nights before on Fili. His head turned towards me, grunting as he jerked his head in the direction of the horses.

"L.D, can you go check to see if the hobbit got lost."

Ignoring the shock that went through me as he said the nickname Gandalf and the others gave me. I realized that Bilbo has been away for a while, and with nothing better to do. I nodded and made my way towards the opening, where I last saw him disappear into. I was met with fallen trees and thrown brush, my heart jumped to my throat.

"Crap. Crap. Crap." I muttered as I moved father in, drawing my sword out silently.

Fili and Kili crouched down in some behind one of the fallen logs and I quickened my pace so I was standing behind them. Looking toward the direction they were, I was met with a horrific sight.

Three large mountain trolls were gathered around a fire, with Dwalin's and Bifur's ponies tied up behind them. I noticed a small shadow, confused before I realized it was Bilbo nervously sneaking up behind them, and trying to untie the rope and was wrapped around a post.

I didn't notice that I hadn't made my presence known to the two dwarfs till Fili turned around and let out a small gasp. He relaxed when he saw it was me.

Kili grinned. "Bilbo's going to get our ponies back." I just had to shake my head at them. How on earth did they expect a Hobbit to fight 3 full grown trolls. I moved farther down the tree, jumping up onto one of the big oak trees that stretched across the trolls camp site.

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