Chp 5: Quite Fond

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All the dwarves cheered as they watched the three trolls turn to stone after Gandalf broke the boulder. I only leaned against the large stone, catching my breath.

"You're late," I spoke as I turned to face the wizard as he climbed down. Sheathing my sword, I moved out in between the trolls, now statues. Landing softly on his feet, he snorted playfully in my direction.

"A wizard is never late, nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to." Shaking my head, I was about to say a tart response, but my thoughts were interrupted.

"Ooi, get your foot out of my back!"

Dwalin's rough voice reminded me of the dwarves still on the spit. Rushing over, Gandalf and I began to kick dirt quickly onto the embers. I was well aware that they were all staring; however, it did not bother me.

"Let me go untie the other and Gandalf will help get you down." nodding slowly and staring, the dwarves on the spit, still seemed very much shocked. Moving around to see the others, I noticed the same looks.

Pulling out the small dagger from my waistband, I crouched down next to Oin, raising an eyebrow slightly. He nodded, understanding my silent question. Smiling, I grabbed the rope knot from around the opening of the bag, away from his face, cutting it. Balin was the one who broke the silence as I moved over to free Bombur from his sack.

"You are no mere Ranger lass. " He said not in the form of a question but more as if stating a fact. I not knowing what to say, plainly nodded, cutting Bombur loose as I did. "But, how?" he asked questionably. I froze and raised an eyebrow at him...How did he...

"Your ring" he replied, gesturing his head to my hand. I had all but forgotten the emerald ring on my thumb. I smiled, at the memory of when I got before shaking my head. "Why am I not surprised that you're the first person to piece it all together," I moved over to grab the knot on his bag, freeing him.

"Piece, what together?" Kili asked as I grabbed at the knot on his bag. Balin chuckled as he kicked his bag away with his feet.

"So it is true,-" he stopped before he stopped to stare again "That you are-" Gandalf, after helping the last dwarf off the coals "Yes, you are quite right, Master Balin."

I rolled my eyes softly as I moved over to release Nori, he let out a laugh at my expression. "He forgets I can talk for myself now," I explained. I shuffled over to Bilbo and freed him from his sack, murmuring a small 'thank you' as I softly helped him up.

"But how?" Balin questioned Gandalf who only chuckled back. "Twins, Master Dwarf, a boy and a girl."

"Would someone please explain what in Mahal's name is going on?" Dwalin gruffed as he pulled his fur coat back on. I heard murmurs from the others, agreeing.

Shaking my head, I moved to cut at Kili's rope, I adjusted slightly turning my head to look over at Fili glancing over at his face for the first time, his eyes softened and my heart rate picked up abruptly as it felt like my breath was knocked out of me. I struggled to move my eyes back to look back down at my knife and reached over quickly to cut at his tie.  Ignoring the gooseflesh going up my arms from the feeling of his warm breath on my fingers. 

Out of all in the company, Thorin's reaction was the one I was the most unsure of. I feared that he would only resent me even more, for it was clear he didn't trust me, and I don't blame him.

So fearing the worst, I turned to move towards the dwarish prince. Still avoiding his gaze, I gripped at the rope. I frowned when I realized his tie was a lot tighter than the rest. Putting down the dagger, I tugged and pulled at the rope with both hands losing the knot enough to fit the blade through.

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