#57 Enchant.

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Everyone was relieved when they heard the demon's agreement to help. Well, everyone except the demon himself.

He truly wanted to help, especially his friends and the former enemy who was finally beginning to trust him, but he was so incredibly nervous. What if he mispronounced something? What if his father and everyone else was right and there was darkness in him? What if he was actually lying to himself about being a good person and would awaken that darkness by enchanting this evil spell? Even if it was a counter?

A million concerns being conjured by his unforgiving mind, Meliodas started to shake slightly as he held the book in front of him. This felt just like when he was going to sign in front of everyone. Except even worse because he actually had people who he cared about on the line. He didn't have anyone there for him before, no one that would be affected other then himself by choosing not to sign (and of course a few others that could now decide their own futures) and even then no one he deeply cared for.

But now... if something went wrong everyone he loved could be in danger, and even if it didn't do something like make all of their heads explode, if the spell didn't work, Harelquin and Elaine would have no hope of getting their home back. And the demon hated that thought so much.

Besides, there was a burning, obvious, very concerning question that blared in the boy's mind even though his mouth was too dry to ask it.

However luckily, Elizabeth saw his anxiety and reacted as a good friend like her would.

"Meliodas? Is something wrong? Are you uncomfortable."

Very, but that wasn't why he was hesitating (at the moment, if the problem got solved that would be a different story)

"N-No it's just.. just I um..."

Feeling his throat closing up as his brain added no help whatsoever in asking this, the others continued to look at him- from the distance they were at for safety reasons- in a mixture of anxious anticipation and concern.

Feeling a hand on his arm, he turned to his side to see Elizabeth had walked from her previous spot with a soft, compassionate, look on her face that made his stomach do flips.

"It's alright Meliodas, we understand how scary this must be and if there's something you need from us don't be afraid to ask. We want to help make this as safe as possible, and if you feel like there's something we need to be doing don't be afraid to ask."

How could she always read him so well? Her empathy was as infamous as every other part of her life, and he understood why in this moment.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, the boy spoke with nervousness still interwoven in his voice, although he managed to actually get the words out this time.

"I-I really appreciate it Elizabeth. It's just that I... I don't know how to reverse this. King said he deciphered that whoever cast it must be the one to end it, but I don't know the proper incantation to reverse it to begin with."

All of them felt a little foolish about overlooking such a basic thing. They had expected Meliodas to know about it due to how much he seemed to know about encantation magic and considering the fact it was his father who did this. Even King hadn't considered it until now because of the sleep deprived state he pushed himself into. However it made sense as all of them thought about it for a moment. The blond clearly hadn't known about this spell before since if he did he would've probably tried to reverse the damage to the Fairy King's forest himself due to his kind nature.

But that did make them all wonder how he knew so much about enchantments and curses. Especially because Elizabeth knew they hadn't covered that in extra magic classes nor in the original ones because it was third year and above for both topics. And considering Meliodas's disdain for his father's legacy, it was unlikely he'd research it on his own, which was the only other option.

Doing extra research on this due to her mother's encouragement to learn early, Elizabeth could luckily answer at least some of the problem while others pondered the other part themselves.

"Well there are three options for a curse this caliber when it comes to undoing it. Reading it backwards, a separate spell entirely- which luckily King already counted this one out-  and reading it in a different language."

"Okay but what language would it be if it is naturally in demon?"

Elaine asked, just as invested as everyone else regardless of her not usually being the type to take risks like this.

"Perhaps goddess? It's the opposite and is a language of purity."

"Yeah but it could also damage Meliodas speaking it."

"Huh? How so?"

"Well since Meliodas is a demon, saying an encantation in the goddess' tongue while trying to use his own magic could make his magic go on attack mode and reject the spell."

"No offense Diane, but are you sure that isn't something you found online? It sounds a liiiiittle far fetched."

"I'm positive Elaine. I've done proper research now after becoming friends with Meliodas. After all, school barely covers anything and I want to know about what could potentially be bad for my friend. Like did you know that demons are all allergic to drohan fruit!?"

"Yeah, Diane is right. A-About both things actually. I can speak Goddess, but not in the context of a spell."

"Well I can't think of any other language that would work..."

King said, staying mostly silent until now.

"None of the others would be directly related to the spell. Other than Fairy but that would be too obvious, the demon king wouldn't make it that easy."

"Okay but that just leaves saying it backwards. Isn't that just as easy?"

"Not when saying it in demon. The language is already very complicated, so saying it in demon and then trying to say it completely backwards would be near impossible for most unless demon themselves."

"Okay than great! We figured it out!"

Meliodas still didn't seem so sure.

"I-I don't know... What if it is just a language we aren't thinking of? W-What if I mess it up?"

"Meli... it's okay."

Hearing the soothing voice of Elizabeth speak once more, the blond looked at her and felt himself start to calm almost instantly at seeing the complete trust and determination in the goddess' eyes.

Right... I got this. I can do this. I have to do this... for all of them. No more stalling, no more worrying. We found a solution, so I'm going to use it. All we can do is try.. right?

The anxious worry still there, Meliodas was relieved that it didn't have the control over him that it had previously. So with a final, clearly breath, he spoke.

This chapter really isn't my best, however it was written when I was tired and is basically the last filler/suspense chapter before things start happening! >:D

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