4# Dinnertime

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     THE TRIO LEFT with a dramatic turn and walked away with their arms crossed. Kristen and I watched them march away until they turned the corner and left the hallway. I think I can call that a win for us. 

     With triumph in my movements, I glanced back at Kristin who looked like the definition of every emotion in human existence, I awkwardly questioned her, 'So uh, you fine with me being your roomie?'

     She recovered, 'Huh? Oh, yeah, it's totally cool.'

     We entered the room that I would now call my room for... all eternity? Can I die again? I considered asking Kristin but looking at her muddled expression, I decided against it. Questions later, comfort now. 

     We both seemed to be formulating things to say, leaving the room in a calculating silence. I thought of asking her how she got here and if she'd gotten her powers yet, but she beat me to it.

     'Thank you, by the way,' she thanked with a weak smile, 'For getting me outta there.'

     'Of course,' I smiled back, 'they don't have the right to ruin someone's day.'

     '"Who do you think you are?"' I recited the Asian girl's words, I scoffed, 'Who did they think they are?'

     Kristin slumped on her bed, 'Rosier, Margarita, and Ichiko, you don't want to mess with them.'

     'Too late.'

     'I've been here for a day and from what I've heard, either everyone loves them or are afraid of them,' she explained, 'when I say everyone, I mean everyone, they're popular here.'

     Ohh, so they are the typical popular high school girl bullies (that's a mouthful...). They hadn't put up much of a fight, I noticed, there wasn't any reason for me to fear them... yet. Considering how Kristin's eyebrows creased with worry, it probably wouldn't be too long before I figured out. But she instantly got comfortable on her bed, it was as if she was quickly recharging, her muscles relaxed slightly, her face showed security.

     I checked out my own bed, the sheets were a light-grey shade with a sad lonely puffy pillow sitting on the pile of the folded blanket. I hopped onto my bed, giving me a bounce, that's how you know it's a good one. I dusted the pillow, 'Why were those hooligans bothering you anyway?'

     Kristin muttered, 'Because I'm weak.'

     'Weak?' I got a good look at her, although she was smaller than me. I'm pretty sure it was because she's younger, she had wide dark blue eyes which resembled cute baby seals, 'you didn't cry when they were giving you tons of pressure.'

     'I was close to it,' she answered meekly, I pointed out, 'but you didn't.'

     She looked at me gratefully. I continued, 'So you're new too?'

     She nodded with more excitement than I expected, 'Yeah! I know this is a school and I don't do well in classes, but I don't mind, especially since we're getting powers!' her face fell slightly, 'Just... hopefully mine are better than what they said...'

     'You're one to worry,' I smiled amusingly, 'Faith said I'd get wood powers. Call me Superwoodgirl.' 

     This earned a giggle. I hyped her up, 'Y'know they might be partially right for your powers, I'll be luckiest person alive if you can give trio o' trouble daily accidents. Ohhh, I can't wait to see their heels snap one day.'

     She laughed a cute giddy giggle, I couldn't help but smile too. The sunlight from the windows was noticeably shifting from white to yolky yellow, giving the room a yellow-orange hue. I noticed there weren't any other light sources other than the window, was "lights out" that strict here?

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