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    THIS IS THE BIT where I realise how monotonous man/boy's voice is. Since I'm feeling generous, I'd say it's semi-monotone.

     'You're going to have a hard time with Ms Sarah if you can't survive my voice for this long,' he read me, again. I'm assuming Ms Sarah is the aloof-looking teacher, I did name her that for a reason, so sadly, he was probably right.

     Before I was able to say anything, we turned a corner and someone else beat me to it, 'Not scaring newcomers again are you?'

     'Faith,' man/boy greeted her like they were besties, 'what makes you say that?'

     'Your reputation,' Faith disapprovingly watched me silently finishing my burrito, I looked around awkwardly and she continued, 'also I overheard parts of your conversation... "Survive", "Hard time".'

     Behind Faith was the new boy who was still clutching his card in his hands. He was actively avoiding eye contact with any of us. They appeared to have been talking before man/boy led us to the corner.

     While Faith and Ethan are having their lovely chat, (Ethan giving her an I'm-a-good-boy smile, 'I assure you I'm not. If there is a problem, there's a chance it wasn't me, you know.') I wanted to talk to the new boy, since we're both new and all.

     'Hi, what's your name,' I cringed at how general I sound, 'Well I do know your name, not in a creepy way, Daniel right? Just last night and all that...'

     He nodded.

     Still not meeting my eyes, I asked him, 'Are you in trouble or something? Why're you out here in such a remote place with Faith?'

     He shook his head, I barely caught him murmuring, 'no'. He kept his head bent low and did not look at me. Does he have some sort of obsession with his shoes or something?

     He is notably tall and skinny, in other words, he's very lanky. He wears a black and white argyle sweater vest over a white shirt, complete with rounded gold-rimmed glasses, and an unconfident-hunched posture. I'm sorry to say that he looks like the typical nerd that gets bullied in movies.

     Since he didn't seem to be in a talking mood and I'd run out of things to say, I told him, "Good talk." and waited by man/boy who was getting pulled by the ear by Faith.

     'Trusting you is usually a mistake,' she let man/boy go, 'but I'll leave Mairy with you. Please don't teach her things.'

     'You can't possibly still be mad at me for teaching the last kid how to bribe fairies, can you?' He asked her, though I had the feeling he knew the answer from his cheeky grin.

     Faith rolled her eyes friendlily, 'Go on, teach her how to blow up the showers.'

     'Great idea,' man/boy snapped his fingers and grabbed me by the wrist to start dragging me away, 'knew you'd make a great partner in crime, Faith.'

     Still dragging me away from Faith, he muttered, 'Didn't think we'd run up to someone around here, especially Faith.'

     Stop touching me.

     'I'll show you the showers now you're done with your burrito.'

     Please let me go. Why's your hand so big?

     I used my other hand to pry his hand off my wrist, 'Are you actually going to teach me how to blow up the showers?'

     'Not if you don't want to,' he raised an eyebrow, 'are you interested in learning the art of exploding toilets?'

GodspeedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon