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Ryusei POV


Me: Finally! Im Done! Level 1000!

Im Ryusei Monetsu, your average high school shut-in, but unlike others I actually have good grades. I was fine living like this till college, but little did I know how much my life would change that day.

August 10, 2022

( tbh i have no clue what to put here but i'll just skip to the important part)

Me: Oh shit! That girl will get run over by that car!

I rush towards the girl on the middle of the crosswalk and push her out of the way but after doing that... I Bit The Dust.

???: This kid looks interesting, Sacrificing his life for a child that was destined to live that car crash unscathed, I guess I'll give him a gift.

Me: Everything feels cold.. Where am I? Why are there flashing lights? Am I dead?

???: Yes you are.

Me: Who are you!?

I say as I was teleported infront of a Middle aged man wearing a suit as if he came out of a James Bond movie.

???: Im the God of Reincarnation, I didn't want it but the old geezer up there gave me the title, Im Estaricus by the way.

Me: What am I doing here?

Estaricus: Your getting reincarnated, If you didn't understand what I just said.
Lets see, Lets see, Where should I reincarnate you?

He then makes a what appears to be a list and sifts through all of it.

Me: Could you reincarnate me to-

Estaricus: Here! I found just the place.
Hey kid, Do you know what the anime TenSura is?

Me: Yes?

Estaricus: Well thats where i'll reincarnate you.

I looked at him for a few seconds are realize he's actually serious.

Estaricus: So would you like any cheats before I reincarnate you? Oh wait, The old Geezer just told me you can only get 5. So think of anything you'd like and I'll give it to ya.

Ryusei's Thoughts: Since Im about to get reincarnated to a anime I might need to get some cheats to help me later on.

Me: Can i have a skill that gives me like an inventory where i can store skills and stuff?

Estaricus: There, you have 4 more.

As he drags his finger on his list.

Me: Can I have a skill that can make me give items and people some skills?

Estaricus: Done, Whats the next one?

Me: Can I have an ability that allows me to make stuff?

Estaricus: You have 2 left.

Me: Do the cheats only apply to skills?

Estaricus: Oh no, you can pick anything you want. If you want me to I could make you a prodigy?

Me: Ok, I guess make me a prodigy then.

Estaricus: You have one left. What would you like?

Me: Thats all I need.

Estaricus: Ok. I guess its time to send you on your way.

Before I could respond I was sent into TenSura.

Did I just get Isekai'd to TenSura?Where stories live. Discover now