The birth of a new True Demon Lord.

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(At the Capital)

(Knight Cpt. Marks)

It was a normal day at the capital, The citizen were full of pride because we were on the winning side on the war against the Dynasty of Sarion-

Mage: Cpt. Marks! A giant blob of magicules is headed our way!

Marks: Shit! The Elves must have sent Nuclear Magic. All Mages on duty make a big magic shield and shield the capital!

Mage 2: Yes Sir!

Shit! those damn elves! They dare launch a nuclear strike against our capital, I have to report this to the Generals.

(At the meeting room)

(General Rossa POV)

This is the 5th meeting of the day! Those damn elves. I walk into the room to see a bunch of generals and other officers arguing about tactics.

General 1: Rossa! Your late again! The elves are pushing us back, We need your help here!

I walk over to the table, But Captain Marks burst through the door very exhausted as if he ran around the entire kingdom.

General 2: Marks! Why are you here?! Do you have any information?

Marks: Generals (pant) a big (pant) blob of magicules (pant) is heading our way. (pant)

General 3: Did those Elves sent Nuclear Magic?! Those bastards! they were 1 step ahead of us all along!

(Insert Loud arguing)

(General Rossa POV)


(Back to Ryu baby!)

As soon as I got out of the Key of Kamakura, I opened my inventory and I brought out a skill that I've always wanted to use Supersonic Flight. I got this unique skill from one of the monsters me and Aiko slayed in our adventures.

I start flying towards the capital.

(At the capital.)

Seems like they put up a barrier to deflect me but thats not gonna work. I unsheathed my blade and sent a flurry of slash towards the barrier, It broke instantly.

(During this time he grabbed another skill that made his voice louder)

Me: You people have messed with the wrong person.

I looked down seeing millions of people look at me, Some where shocked, some didn't even notice, others aimed magic and bows at me but it was futile in the end...

Satan's Tears...

A giant magic frame dwarfed the capital. Then, came the execution, millions of fireballs rained on the capital burning everything in its path.






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