Somewhat Humble Begginings

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Ryusei POV (as per usual)

Me: Uhh... What happened? Last time I was conscious I was with that God. What was his name again? Estarics? Well thats not important right now. Where am I?

???: Confirmed. Sense Enhancement acquisition successful.

Me: that must be the Voice of the World. I guess I should start listing resistances i would want.

???: Continuing. Thought Acceleration acquisition successful.

Me: I guess I should get all of Rimuru's resistances.

???: Cancel Temperature, Cancel Natural Elements, Resist Magic, acquisition successful.

Me: Well I guess i'll let The Voice of the World do its thing then.

5 Minutes Later

Me: Ahh! Another bright light. Why are there so many bright lights! Looks like I'm born now.

(Quick note: I forgot to write it in but he has the brain capability of an 18 year old but he has the body of a 3 year old child but in these early years he'll have the mind of whatever his age is)

???: My son...
As a woman cradles me while crying.

???: I think we should call him Ryu.

A man says as he's holding the woman's arms

Me: They must be my Mom and Dad. Well this is a good start to my reincarnation.

TIMESKIP!!! ( insert glitter effect for no reason)

(Age 4)
From what I heard from my parents I was born a natural Kijin and I started talking a few days ago. Then as I was walking through the streets of my village (imagine tempest but before the orcs went under rimuru's command)
my mom walked into a store, I couldn't tell what they were selling but I just assumed it was food.

Mom: Hi, Ayaka, hows Aiko and Haruto doing?

Ayaka: Oh hey, Kaori! Haruto and Aiko's fine. He hasnt gotten used to taking care of a child but he'll get used to it eventually. So you want the regular?

Mom: Yes please.

Ayaka: You want to set up a play date for Ryu and Aiko, Kaori?

Mom: I guess it be good for him to make friends his age.

Ayaka: So Saturday?

Mom: Okay.

Then we go back home.

2 days later

(i cant think of anything so i'll just skip the the good part)

My Mom puts me in my clothes and she drops me off at Ayaka-san's place.

Mom: Okay Ryu. Mommy will be back in a while, Listen to Ayaka-san okay.

I nod. Mom walks away to presumably do some errands. Ayaka-san usher me in.

Ayaka: Aiko! Come down!

Aiko: Okay Mom!

I look at the stairs to see a small girl around my age with Jet black hair ties up in a bun, a black dress with a pink bowtie, and green eyes.

Ayaka: Okay Aiko. Say hello to Ryu

Aiko: Hello RRR-Ryu-kun.

Me: Hello Aiko-chan.

Ayaka: Well now that you both know each others name go play. If you need anything I'll be in the kitchen.

And the playdate started ( I wont go into detail cause its a playdate) Aiko isn't as shy as you would think she would be, She's just scared if meeting new people. Other than that she kind, pretty, energetic, funny, I cant be counted as a pedo if I'm the same age as her right? Welp thats not important.

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