Espionage (Camryn)

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One of my dream careers is to be a policy maker, and I have made a decision that I will always try to hold myself to the goal to find a new fact or opinion with each experience. If I had to choose anything from this mission, it's Kansas weather sucks. No wonder Dorothy wanted to get out of Kansas so bad (even if she was on drugs).

When we were playing the board game, Bryn and I were paired up and landed on the windmill icon. Of course, no one thought that we were literally going to that place. So when we fell through, it was a huge blessing we both landed on hay.

Bryn and I were sitting at a pub with our host family when Drew called. I pulled Bryn into the nearby washroom and we both answered. The lovely thing about these video calls is that when two people (usually our standard partners) are on a call in the same room, there isn't any feedback, because the calls can either be holographic or similar to FaceTime (it's shooter's preference).



I pressed accept and joined the call.

CAMRYN MERCIER joined the call.

I turned my mic off temporarily and chatted with Bryn while we waited on everyone to come in. I counted, and we were missing one.

"Hey Drew, where's Andie?"

He looked at the camera with a tear stained face and said nothing until this message popped up.

DREW VASILIEV wants to change the video call to hologram. ACCEPT or DECLINE?

I pressed accept again and the washroom began to pop up with holograms of the team. I saw Drew sitting at a piano, still in his mission suit. Noel and Ben had colorful cloths wrapped around them, sitting outside near some large trees and eating what looked like... some sort of rice dish- Ben was looking handsome, as usual. Jacob and Ember were also dressed in native clothing for warm weather, but the patterns and style were more Polynesian. Sam and Connor were dressed in billowing full length clothing and sitting in what looked like a tent. I glanced over at Bryn and she made a heart with her hands at Sam, which he returned almost immediately, after shoving Connor of course. I like how after 3 years of dating for most of the group, there's still a lot of playful banter. The spark hasn't gone out.

"Drew, where's Andie?" I asked again.

"She broke up with me!" He wailed.

"WHAT?!" The rest of us shouted. Overlapping questions and tears filled the conversation, and Drew shushed them all.

"You guys, we can't do anything about it now. There's another man."

"WHAT?!" The shouts were louder this time.


"Get her on the phone now."

"That's the problem, guys! She won't listen to me! And I'm pretty dang sure she's not going to listen to y'all either. She's quitting the FBI."

As you could probably guess, this bombshell caused even more riots in the group. Not because we didn't love Andie, but because we did. She's a very rational person, and wouldn't make these decisions out of the blue, which alarmed us all. Did we miss the signs?

"Drew, before you have any more shocking news, why don't you tell us what happened? That way we can hear and this won't be like an angry mob." Noel suggested.

Drew began to tell the story of how he landed- which resonated with the rest of us, because I guess being body slammed into the ground is normal now- and how his well meant comment was taken the wrong way. I looked around at the faces- the girls tended to be more sympathetic, the boys more annoyed. I'm hoping that there isn't a further divide between the team due to this. I know Andie didn't mean it selfishly.

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