I've reached 50K views, apparently.

1.9K 74 28

How the fuck--


How dare you be this kind to both me and my book? Who gave you the right, huh? You'd better submit names, or I may just begin to cry.

I swear, that was a joke. I'm simply horrible at communicating with other humans.

Really, though, thank you. This is a milestone I was certain I'd never reach, and yet both you and I are here all the same. A small part of me feels undeserving of it. Haha! I wish I could give you some sort of substantial, physical gift, but my broke ass is unable even afford a single Cookies N' Cream Hershey's bar. Still, I can post this pathetic little message and hope that you're capable of understanding the extent of my adoration, so I guess that'll do.

I love you little eldritch monsters and your strange, diverse commentary.

Darling 浦ゆンWhere stories live. Discover now