Happy holidays again(I think?)!

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Greetings. It has been a while, hasn't it? I swear I haven't given up upon this series! It has, however, been quite difficult to write genuinely authentic content due to certain personal issues involving my OCD. I'll continue to huff and puff along like the alpha I am, so I hope you'll continue to stick with me and my wonky little project until I discover the secret to, I don't know, perhaps not procrastinating.

Merry (hypothetical) Christmas and happy holidays, my dear readers and that one simp I caught in my comments many months ago. This is a shoutout now, and I appreciate your belief that I was worthy of your simping even if it lasted for a mere moment.

I'll see you bruvs again!

Darling 浦ゆンWhere stories live. Discover now