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 Dark. Woodland. greens.

All I see is a vast land of trees and haze. 

The feeling of being surrounded by the dense forest would be truly awesome if only I wasn't a captive. As I look around, the towering trees seem to amass the space, making me feel increasingly frantic to know our location. I doubt we're still in the state after drifting off into dreamland for three hours during the car ride. I feel embarrassed about sleeping on his shoulder, but he seems to adore it, mistakenly thinking that I like leaning on him. As I gaze out at the dense forest, I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The trees tower above us, their branches reaching up towards the sky like fingers beckoning to the heavens. 

The lush green leaves rustle gently in the breeze, creating a soothing melody that momentarily calms my racing thoughts. However, this feeling of tranquility is quickly shattered by the realization that I am a captive. The thought of being trapped in this beautiful yet foreboding landscape makes my heart race with fear and anxiety. Despite my fear, I can't help but be drawn to the majesty of the forest. The sheer size and scale of the trees make me feel small and insignificant, a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things. I can't help but wonder how long we've been driving through this wilderness, and whether we're still in the same state. 

My mind races with questions, but I push them aside, knowing that there's nothing I can do but wait and hope for the best. As I turn to look at him, I feel a sense of embarrassment wash over me. I had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and he seemed to adore it. The way he looks at me with a mixture of affection and amusement makes me feel both comforted and annoyed. I don't want him to think that I like leaning on him, but at the same time, I can't help but feel grateful for his presence in this strange and unsettling place. 

Such a dick.

As I reflect on his insufferable arrogance and morally degrading actions, I am left with a single word to describe him: sordid.

 It's as if he is completely incapable of recognizing the repugnance of his behavior. If it turns out that he is a patient here at the hospital, I can say with certainty that I would never be able to bring myself to counsel him. The mere thought of having to engage with him fills my chest with anger and frustration, and I cannot help but let out a deep sigh of disbelief at the sheer audacity of his actions. It's as if he is completely oblivious to the pain and suffering he has caused, and instead prides himself on his reprehensible behavior. I cannot even begin to imagine what he has done to elicit such a visceral response from me, but I know that I want nothing to do with him. The mere thought of him makes my skin crawl, and I find myself recoiling in disgust at the mere mention of his name.

I want to pry off each time his hand would settle specifically on my thigh to which he plays with the fabric like giving me a massage but I know for sure ill end up fucked up because I can see the bulge in his pants restraining and he fawning in my ear with kisses and saying naughty things that make me wish I can jump off this helicopter to death if only I could shake the idea of mom dying in grief.
He wanted to snap but he kept looking at my chest and now he didn't talk for the remainder of the trip and then he would touch his fountain pen and then look at me as if couldn't decide which part of me he would like to stab.

I refrained from trashing the car or trying to flee after I knew I had a tattoo, not just one that covers my breastplate but on my spine. It will take 2 weeks for the skin to completely heal he said and I have to be careful. I need to come up with an escape plan and in doing so I would not wish for any skin infection.

I kinda like the idea because it would mean less physical with this psycho but it could mean he has to be creative like he did in that room.

I requested water to rinse my mouth, but he responded with a menacing grin that frightened me.

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