Chapter 3

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Season 1, Episode 4
The Price of Gold


Third POV:

"Do you know who that is?" Henry asks as he makes his way to Emma's side. Mr. Gold had just walked out of the loft and he was the only person that he couldn't find in his book.

"Yeah, of course, I do," Emma replies, she had seen Mr. Gold the night she got here, at Granny's inn. She was pretty sure Henry knew too, as Mr. Gold owned the entire town.

"Who? Cause I'm still trying to figure it out." This is how Henry replies, his face filled with confusion. "Oh, I meant in reality," Emma states, gathering her clothes from a small table.

As Emma continues to pick up her things, Henry asks "Is that all you brought?" Emma sighs, the kid was almost too curious for her liking. "Henry, what are you doing here?" Is all she says, grabbing her keys from the table.

"My mom's gone till 5:00. I thought we could hang out." He answers, a grin on his face. He had a whole 3 hours' worth of things he and his mom could do before he had to go home.

"Aw, kid I wish I could, but there's something I gotta do." Emma says, making her way past Henry and to the door. She honestly wanted to spend time with him, but finding Ashley was more important at the moment.


Aster's POV:

It was cold in daddy's room. It never seemed to get warm in his room, even with the fire piled high.

I had come to associate the cold with my dad. Even a brush from the wind could throw me back into what he does when we play together.

He says that it was a fun game, that he played it with mommy all the time before she died. It wasn't fun though, it hurt a lot and left me sore the whole day after.

He would make these weird noises above me, and after a long time when the game was done, this weird liquid would be put in my bum. Daddy says I can't tell anyone about this game cause it's a very special one. I don't think anyone in the palace played this game though.


Third POV:

"So, this boyfriend of hers, you don't think he was involved in her disappearance?" Emma asks, her hands in her pockets. She was speaking to Ruby, who was waiting tables. "Uh, that would mean that he was involved with her at all, which he isn't," she says, walking over to Emma.

"He left her in the lurch right after they found out they were expecting. Hasn't spoken to her since. Like I said he's a..." she pauses her words as Billy, who was manning the tow truck drops her car.

She runs around Emma, "Hey, hey, hey Billy, be careful. You almost shattered my wolf thing, Billy. It's good luck." She says in a seductive tone, leaning on one of the chairs. "I'm sorry Ruby, but look, it's fine." Billy says, pointing at the wolf charm hanging in Ruby's car.

"Um, Ruby, what about her family?" Emma asks, walking to stand next to Ruby. As Ruby turns around she answers. "Oh, um she's got a stepmom and two stepsisters that she doesn't talk to."

Both girls turned to Henry as he spoke, "Wait, stepmom, stepsisters, and she's a maid?" He was obviously referring to his theory, she just had to be Cinderella. Emma, however, couldn't help but be the tiniest bit annoyed. "Henry, not now." She utters, though everyone hears.

"Look, I don't know what you've heard, but it's wrong." Ruby starts, she was going to defend her friend no matter what. "Everyone thinks she's not ready to have this kid, but she's trying, taking night classes, trying to better herself, trying to get her life together. Can you understand that?"

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