Chapter 5

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Season 1, Episodes 8 & 11
Desperate Souls, Fruit of the Poisonous Tree


Richard Gold appeared in the doorway of the Sheffield's office, donning one of his signature suits. "The Sheriff's jacket. I thought you might want it after all," he says, giving Emma a great fright. "You do know I'm armed, right?" She says, her words threatening but she wore an almost joking smile on her face.

Richard gives out his own grin, walking into the office. "So part of the act, my dear." He spoke. "Political theater in an actual theater. I knew no one was going to vote for you unless we gave you some kind of extraordinary quality. And I'm afraid saving old Regina's ass from the fire just wasn't gonna do now. We had to give you a higher form of bravery. They had to see you defy me. And they did." Emma's face contorted to one of shake and confusion.

"No way. There's no way you planned that." She said, crossing her arms over her stomach. The thought of him knowing her so well without even knowing her beyond pleasantries was greatly unsettling."Everyone's afraid of Regina. But they are more afraid of me. By standing up to me, you won them over. It was the only way." Richard wore a small smug smirk as he spoke. He knew how this would end the moment he offered his assistance. He could read people like a dime, and people like Emma always do as he predicts.

"You knew I'd agree," Emma says in disbelief, watching Richard cautiously. "Oh, yeah." He nods, "I know how to recognize a desperate soul." Both adults are quiet for a moment, Emma thinking over what had happened. "Why did you do it?" She questioned. Richard started to walk, pausing to look at Emma. "We made a deal sometime back, Miss Swan. We established that you owed me and Peter a favor. I know that can be a bad feeling - owing people. Now that you're sheriff, I'm sure we'll find some way for you to pay back what you owe us. Congratulations." He uttered, walking out of the sheriff's office to go and visit his husband in the hospital.


Lilly's POV:

I was laying in my hospital bed, watching as Regina was struggling to manage a call while opening the door. I sighed, waiting for her to finish with her conversation. Regina had informed me she would be coming into the hospital because she wanted to discuss something. As she finally hung up, I looked her over. She was wearing her signature gray and purple pantsuit, her bobbed hair curled at the ends and her black business heels making clacks as she walked over to the bed. She looked me over too, obviously wanting to make some kind of comment when she saw my nub. She refrained, however, knowing it wasn't the best idea to insult someone you were asking for help.

"Hello Regina," I said, leaning the bed forwards so that she could get a better look at my face. She sighed, heading to sit down by the chair next to the bed. Richard was a frequent visitor of that chair, often bribing the hospital staff to let him stay the night. "Nice to see you, Lilly," she said slowly, allowing herself to get used to the fact that she was asking favors from a hospitalized girl.

"I came over here today because I need you to commission something." She said, pulling out a few pieces of paper from out of a folder. "These are pictures from one of Henry's books. I was looking through it when I saw these drawings. They would make a nice play castle, don't you think?" She asked, handing the pictures over.

The pillars were grey, the tops a medium purple. There were four separate towers, each containing a different design. It was a magnificent drawing, one that definitely shouldn't be in a kids' book. This should have been in an art gallery, "Yes, these are lovely." I said, never taking my eyes off of the pages.

"Yes, well, the only problem is that the pictures only show the front. It would be hard to make this play castle as glorious as it is in the book if it's all plain on the sides and back. So, what I would really be asking is if you can illustrate the sides and back for the castle. I'll pay you $300 for every page, $80 to cover any supplies you might buy."

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