Chapter 1

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A/n: I would like to start off with an apology for this story. Someone recommended that I do a Dream X Reader book but I am so bad at trying to not have a name. Like it's hard for me to do that and still come up with situations and backstories and stuff like that. To sum it up I can't. This is the best I can do. I am sorry I didn't fulfill your wishes but I hope this makes up for it. Thank you, and I'm sorry again, but enjoys the book!❤️

"What is happening guys, and welcome back to the stream. I am so excited. Today, we are playing.....Minecraft" I smiled, even though my camera is off, I still smile at my stream. "Uhm no. No guys I wish it was the dream SMP but me and some of my friends made a discord server and added some people we like playing with and a few of those people we sent links to are in the Dream SMP but they have no gotten back to me with agreeing to this so we are just gonna start off today and maybe build some houses. Start some farms who knows" I said reading a comment that asked if I was playing on the Dream SMP.

I logged on as I played some soft not copyrighted music on as I sighed. "Okay guys. For a town. What does a good town need guys." I asked clapping my hands looking at the chat. "Dream saw you take up for him, on your last stream" I read a comment out loud. "Oh that's awesome. That's super cool. I hope it made him happy, I fully stand up for what I said though. I don't think he cheated. I mean, I know this is going to sound so weird but he has ADHD and I have ADHD I don't think at the time of when he could cheated his brain was more like 'okay what can I say that sounds smart' ya know? Like no I'm not making fun of him it's just, that's what I do, when I was in school and I was able to just pull my phone out and Google the answers I would just stare at the paper and think 'which one sounds the smartest' and I'd turn it in. Yeah half of them would be wrong but I graduated some how" I laughed as I continued to look at the chat.

"He's watching the stream? Chat. Chill. Let's not get crazy now back to the town. What should we build first" I asked scrolling through the chat and the only thing they wanted to talk about was dream. "Is it true you and dream live in the same state?" I read a comment as I sighed. "Well I'm from Florida, he's from Florida. Doesn't mean we're like next door neighbors. I don't think that's really a big thing right now" I mumbled as I sighed. "How about I build my house" I smiled as I ran around the new world I created as I started to collect resources I am going to need.

'Hey Rookid. I really appreciate you and everything you did. I do not think you're making fun of me. I think I might stay for the stream now' a Dono was read off. I looked over at the screen as I saw 'dreamwastaken' sent it in. "Uhm, thank you Uh dreamwastaken. I really appreciate that and you I hope you enjoy the stream. I talk to much because of ya know my ADHD so I might bore you. I'm very surprised I haven't bored a lot of the people who watch me and some times I get really excited and talk a lot and ramble on when I shouldn't ya know like I'm doing now. God roo shut up" I yelled at myself.

'You should use wood, go to the nether and uses quartz blocks. Than your house won't burn down' another dono was read off as I looked over and saw dream sent another one. "I feel bad for you using your money to try and give me advise. I appreciate it and I will definitely take that into consideration, but for now this isn't going to be my house. I'm gonna make a mansion and I didn't really plan on using quartz but I definitely will now thank you dream....stop spending money to try and talk to me. Just text in the chat and the mods will pin it. I promise you I'll read them" I laughed as I finished the small building placing down a chest and throwing useless stuff in it that I don't really need right now. "Okay, now let's do the outlining of my home" I smiled as I went around looking for a cave. Finally finding one and strip mining down it until I found lava to look for diamonds.

'Please don't tell me how to spend my money miss Rookid. You're really sweet and I just want to help your dreams come true' another dono went off. 'Well now to sound rude or anything but you don't really know what my dreams are" I chuckled as I finally sound lava as I started my search for diamonds. 'What are your dreams' another went off.

"I want to one day, become a professional stream, and youtuber, upload daily, and be able to help my family out and live a decent life alone off of whatever I make from streams and my YouTube videos. I wanna be an influencer too. Help people, motivate them to do what they want and not let people bring them how people brought me down" I sighed as I finally found diamonds, I made a diamond pickaxe really quick as I poured some water down and grabbing some obsidian. 'I wanna help you accomplish your dreams' a dono went off as I saw it was once again dream. "A big part of me believes that you aren't the real dream but a little small part thinks you really are" I chuckled as I got a notification on my phone, but I don't look at my phone when I'm on stream.

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