Chapter 5

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After a few days I didn't hear anything from clay. It was kinda upsetting, I probably just gave my phone number to some random claiming to be him god I'm so dumb. I really don't even feel like streaming now. I groaned as I grabbed my phone, I think today I'll have the day off, it's my day off at my actual job so it'll be fine. I smiled as I pulled up Instagram and posted on my story I wasn't going to be streaming today, and I tweeted it to make sure everyone knew. I even went into my discord and made a ping telling everyone I wasn't streaming. All the mods rushed into my dms asking if I was fine....everyone but clay. I sighed as I turned my phone off flopping onto my bed.

I groaned as I rolled around on it bored. Maybe I'll take a nap, or maybe not. I'm so lazy oh my god. I need to do something. I've got to do something but yet I continue to lay here and stare at the ceiling. I mean I could just play Minecraft but I do that for somewhat a living. I rolled my eyes thinking about doing something around the house but I've already done it all, I huffed as I grabbed a pillow hugging it tightly as I felt like crying. Should I just drive around? No where would I go? Plus that's wasting my gas. What if I actually need to do something one day and than boom no gas, like someone I know and or care about could text me that they were stuck somewhere and I'd have to stop and get gas, but with all the purchases I've been making from Amazon I probably don't even have the money for gas money, lucky for me I get paid tomorrow.....god damnit this is so boring.

I rolled around the bed with the pillows still in my arms groaning from the lack of stuff I'm doing. I heard a ding as I grabbed my phone looking at the screen seeing that clay texted me. I sighed opening seeing he said hey...just

Dream: hey
Me: hi
Dream: why aren't you streaming today? You stream everyday?
Me: needed a mental break
Dream: is everything okay? You need to talk to someone? I'm here if you want to talk
Me: how do I know this is the real dream? I mean it's okay if you aren't. I'm not going to be upset. You've been a really good friend helping me with my stuff.
Dream: I texted you from my verified account on Instagram, and discord, and who just gives their number out to anyone?
Me: a lot of people, hackers mostly...kinda I guess, but I mean it's not like you could prove it to me anyways. No one has seen what dream looks like, and you coulda hacked Dream's Instagram account to text me and make your users the same as's not that hard.
Dream: if you don't believe me that's fine, idc but I do want to continue to be your friend
Me: I would like for you to be my friend, if you're being honest with me

Dream left me on read as I rolled my eyes putting my phone back down only for it to start ringing. I groaned as I grabbed it seeing it was dream calling. I sighed as I answered it. "Hello" he said. "What" I asked as he took a second. "Uhm, are you okay?" He asked unsure if he should say it. "I don't know anymore honestly. I'm confused on if you're the real dream, I wanted to stream today but you haven't talked to me for a few days so I started over thinking and this is me begging you to talk to me everyday, I'm just confused on everything. I don't know what to do, today is my initial off day at my actual job and I usually spend the entire day streaming but I had to do house work so I promised my discord a really long stream tonight but than once I started overthinking I just gave up on everything and laid in my bed and canceled the stream tonight but now I've got to do an all day stream tomorrow to make up for today and now I feel like shit and I just don't want to do anything everything seems to be crashing down right now. Maybe I should just give up on being a streamer and put in for full time at my job I don't fucking know though" I groaned/ranted.

"You feel better letting that all out?" He asked as I took a deep breath. "Yeah kinda" I mumbled into the phone. "Good. It sounds like you're going through what every streamer goes through, I mean I went through the same thing, but my friends pushed me through it, they talked to me whenever they could, they would help me come up with new ideas for videos and they gave me shoutouts, I gave them shoutouts, and I appreciate them for that. It sounds like you just need that kind of friend and I'm willing to be that friend for you" clay said over the phone as I sighed. "That would be really cool" I chuckled as he sighed. "Good now that you're feeling better what's some stuff you want to do with your streaming?" He asked as I huffed.

"I don't really know like I don't want to continue to do Minecraft but that seems like the only game I'm good at, I tried fnaf but I scream at the slightest things, I tried VR but it game me a IRL mega headache, I've tried some of the games I've seen other people play and I just couldn't get behind them like they could it's just all so difficult it seems like." I said as he hummed. "Have you ever thought about writing down thing you've done and put a personal rating by them?" He asked as I hummed not know what he meant. "You know like you played fnaf right, okay well right it down and rate the game yourself honestly, and than do the same with the other games you've played, and whichever one you enjoyed the most play that instead of Minecraft. I'm not saying give up completely on Minecraft because tommy has agreed to show you around the SMP and you becoming apart of the SMP we are all working on how to do that. I just got off a call with tommy, tubbo, Wilbur and Rambo talking about it because they seem the most excited for it. But anyways, I'm thinking that you should use this break and do that idea I gave you hell replay some of the games you've played if it's been Swahili and rate them, than like on Monday play fnaf and on Tuesday play Minecraft and so on and so forth. Or you can try and have a talking stream with them and not play anything just answer questions and stuff like that. Also just because we haven't talked doesn't mean I don't want your stream. I've watched them the few days we didn't talk and you interacting with the chat made it feel like we were talking. You are really good at that by the way." He said as I smiled on my bed.

"Okay but can we still talk while I'm doing what you suggested with the rating games" I asked as he chuckled. "Of course we can" he said as I nodded. "And thank you for this dream. I really appreciate it, sorry if it seemed like I was being rude before." I apologized as he hummed. "Just as long as you are okay. You wanna call on discord and share screen with me and I watch you play" he asked as I smiled.yeah that's be cool" I said as he chuckled as he hun up than saw he was calling me on discord so I answered it on my computer as we got started.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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