Chapter 3

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"HELLO my wonderful good people. How is everyone today" I asked the stream. I looked at chat as I had them on the waiting screen before I loaded up Minecraft. I smiled as I hummed to the chat reading some of them. "I'm glad you guys are good. Did everyone finish their homework? I know some of y'all are in school. Don't mess with me. At least watch and do your homework" I said into the mic reading some of the comments talking about math homework. "Yes. I did change my discord. I also changed some of my twitch stuff too. I'm glad you noticed." I smiled reading a comment and answering it. "I don't know if the person wants me to tell you guys who they are, but I would like to say a new friend, gave me some tips last night about what they think I should do to make the twitch and my discord server more like me. So they gave me some hints and I'm supper happy with it. I'm really glad they helped me with it. I think it looks really cool what about you guys. Do you guys like it?" I asked as I read most of the comments did like it.

Someone donated as I looked up in the corner. "You can let everyone know I helped" the Dono read.  "Thank you dreamwastaken for the 10 bucks. Also yes Dream did help me with the changing of the server and twitch" I nodded. Knowing they can't seem me but out of habit I had to. "What are we doing today. We're playing Minecraft. I haven't decided if I should play on the scuffed account or if I want to play on the more serious account. If I play on the scuffed one we will just run around and die basically or if we play the serious one I can actually probably start on the new building I have in mind before I open it up for you guys." I smiled as I saw people were excited and ready to play on the server.

"Okay, okay so I think we will play on the serious one instead of the scuffed. We are gonna have to go to the nether tho and grab some stuff for it" I explained. "Can I play with you" a dono was read off as I looked over and saw it was dream. I loaded up the game as I cleared my throat. "Uhm, sure, before I take off the waiting screen I will send you the stuff on discord give me a second" I mumbled getting everything ready and copied and pasted allowing someone to join as I sent him the code as he read it. I smiled as I logged onto the account going to spawn as he texted me on discord asking if we can get into a call as I joined called him on discord as he answered. "Hello" he said. "Hi dream. I'm live as you know" I smiled as he giggled. "Hello Rookid. Can I call you roo" he asked. "Yes of course" I smiled as I started messing around with things waiting for Dream to log into the game. "Okay, hello" he said popping up next to me. "Hello dream" I said seeing his green skin running around me. "Hey roo" he said. "What up" I smiled. "Uhm, your waiting screen is still on. On your live" he said as I looked over on my other monitor as I gasped. "Ahhh. Guys I'm so sorry ahhh. Noob streamer moment oops" I laughed as I turned it off allowing them to see. "Okay. Everything good guys. Am I too loud. Too low?" I asked as I saw some people in the chat said I was too low and the Donos were too loud as I fixed it really quick.

"Okay guys. It should be fixed now" I said into the mic as I smiled. "Okay dream. Let me show you around the place. To start off with, this is the spawn area. Isn't it like homey" I asked as he walked around. I made the spawn area a house, full of chests with food, wood weapons, and leather armor for people to star off with, along with cobble stones, sticks, wood, crafting tables. "So this is just a house for people to start off with?" He asked as I nodded. "Yup, it's just for you to make sure ya know if you spawn at night you don't get taken out by a skeleton. But once you come in here you're only allowed to take one weapon, like a shovel, axe, pick, or sword, you can take like four swords, just one, one helmet, one chest plate, pants, and shoes, it's all like leather and wood, just to get you by with, to get your own material. You don't have to take anything, but it's here if you need it. Only to begin with and that is it." I explained as he hummed. "That's nice of you. Got food too, that's nice" he said opening some chests and looking in. "There are also beds upstairs for you to take, but once there is only one bed you have to leave it. It can be your respawn area. But you cannot take the bed, there are also beds in the chests." I explained.

"Nice" he said as I smiled. "Okay and through this door is my favorite, it's a lake, and a board walk, to the actual area" I smiled as we crossed the bridge going into my somewhat town. "It still needs some work, I got a store over here, I got a food truck, I got some farms behind the food truck, and here is my next new project." I said as we went to an empty area with a good part of the dirt taken out of the ground. "What's going here?" He asked as I chuckled. "A hotel" I said as he hummed. "It's like Tommy's hotel on my server?" He asked confused. "Sorta, if you stay here your payment is something valuable to you, if that's a disc, gold, iron, diamonds, and if your valuable item is like bread, I'll tell you if your payment is a disc, iron, or gold or someone that I can actually use" I said as he hummed. "That's nice, I guess" he said as I hummed. "But it's mostly just a place for people to stay when they they haven't made their own houses yet ya know? Or if you're in the process of building your house you can stay here for a few nights." I explained as he nodded. "Alright well what are we gonna need for this?" He asked. "Well I'm not completely sure how tall I want to make it. I wanna do the first floor before I determine how tall I want it to be" I explained as he hummed. "Okay, well for now, where's the nether portal. And how much stuff you need" he asked as I sighed. "I will send you the list I made. We can cut it in half tho. So if it says like forty blocks, only do like twenty." I explained as I copied and pasted the list and sent it to him on discord.

"Okay, well I took some food, sticks, cobble stone, and a crafting table by the way" he explained. "Okay that's cool, I'll restock it later, you're welcome to take whatever you need" I said as he hummed. "Okay cool. Well let's go to the nether. I think I'm good for right now" he said as I nodded. "Alright. Let's go, the nether portal is up here" I said as we climbed on top of a mountain where the nether portal sat, with a  bunch of black, blocks, and grey blocks around it to make it kinda seem like the ground is dead. "This is kinda cool. Makes the ground look dead" he said as I smiled. "Thank you. That was kinda the idea" I said as he hummed. "So do you have a house on your SMP" he asked as I laughed. "No I'm homeless just like you are on your smp" I said as he scoffed. "I am not homeless. I have a huge huge house, it just burned down, you didn't see it because it happened off stream" he said as I laughed. "Yeah, huh, techno definitely didn't follow you and watch you build a crappy house and then burn it down" I laughed as he chuckled. "I know it's all scripted. But it's still funny" I laughed as he joined laughing with me.

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