Chapter 4

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After about three hours straight we finally finished my project. "Oh my gosh. I honestly thought that was going to take me at least three days" I said sighing as I leaned back in my seat. I ended my stream an hour ago because it was low key boring and I didn't think people would enjoy just us building a hotel and having to take so much down just to put it back up only to take it down again and change a lot of things.

"Well, things always go faster with help" he said as I smiled. "Are you still streaming?" He question as I hummed. "No I ended about an hour ago. I didn't think it was entertaining enough for them but I told them I would probably stream later on once we were done" I said as he hummed. "Well, about this SMP is it going to be kinda like mine" he asked as I too a second to think about what he meant. "Like I understand if you don't want to answer but i just thought it was confusing to put so much effort into this when it's all going to be scripted or whatever" he said as I chuckled. "No, this is an SMP for my viewers. I asked them once I started getting more than 50 views. I asked if they wanted to ya know be able to play Minecraft with me sometimes and be able to interact with other people and hang out with them and do whatever they want. I mean it's kinda of a anarchy server but with some rules. Like people will have they're own areas and have their own rules if they want. Like they don't have too but if they want they can. It's all in my discord server on one of the channels." I said as he awed. "Okay, that's so cool and kinda sweet" he chuckled as I hummed. "I was thinking about possible starting an SMP like yours but I don't really have friends like you do, like I don't have a group of people I like trust enough to just ya allow them and know they'll be commented to the script like you guys." I said as he hummed. "Well, if you'd like I can have you join the my SMP" he offered as my jaw fell to the ground and my heart stopped.

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. But I mean the SMP will be ending soon so maybe some of them will move to yours. Who knows, I would like to join yours if you start one, I can help with the script and help with picking who would be best for what and stuff like that. Like wouldn't that be so cool. We can start an SMP together and I can bring some of my friends and we can sometimes through in some like special guests in and show them around and build so many cool buildings and start a world war or something like that. Like that would be so awesome" he rambled as my jaw went back to its right place turning into a smile. "I'm sorry I rambled on to much. I mean we don't have to but I thought it would be really cool." He said as I chuckled. "I think that would be really cool, we can send out applications in our discord server or just mine and have people fill out the application and pick which one would be best." I smiled as he chuckled. "I really thought you were going to say I was annoying" he said as I snickered. "No. I do the same thing. When I get really excited about something I cannot shut up about it. Like that would be super cool, I kinda always wanted tommy show me around the SMP and have like somewhat the same experience as ninja when he joined the SMP like I really thought that was the funniest video tommy ever uploaded. I would also love to play with techno and become friends with him and be like outcasts together and only be needed for a war like I love anarchy, but I also love building things like Sam does and I also want to be like a ruler of a world like you and George. Like I don't completely want to copy your SMP but I have always wanted something sorta similar to it." I rambled as he giggled. "That was cute" he said as I hummed. "Cute?" I questioned as he sighed. "Yeah because when you ramble you voice like gets alittle higher and I can tell you're running out of breath because of how excited you are. Like I don't know I just think it's cute" he mumbled the last part as I chuckled.

"Well I would definitely love that. Maybe we can talk about it later on. I was thinking about going live and playing some cracked stream game because I ended my stream kinda early" I said as he hummed. "Okay I just got a few questions" he said as I nodded. Realizing he couldn't see me. "Okay go ahead" I said as he sniffed. "Do you like sapnap or Karl, Wilbur, like who are your favorites on the SMP?" He asked as I hummed. "Mostly the ones who are usually on the SMP, like tommy, tubbo, Wilbur, techno, you, George, quackity, sapnap, Karl, and I think that it. Like those are all the people on the SMP that I watch. Like I watch almost all of their live and YouTube videos, like I also just want to say like I've watch you for awhile and you really got me into Minecraft and I absolutely love your videos, I love your SMP and I really never really thought you would ever invite me to your SMP like I didn't have to fill anything out to talk to you like I just said one day how much I loved your content and how it was ridiculous for you to cheat on something and how people needed to get off your case and you just joined my stream and just donated money to talk to me and than we got each other's number, follow each other on Instagram, and follow each other on discord. Like I never thought this would happen at all and I just really wanted to say thank you" I said taking a deep breath afterwards as he laughed alittle. "Okay cool, also thank you for taking up for me you seemed really sweet and that's why I tried my best to send subs your way, help you achieve your dreams and I would absolutely trust you on the server, but, I'll talk to you later about the script and ideas for the SMP. I'll let you go live again. Bye haley" he said as I smiled at him saying my name. "Bye clay" I giggled as he hung up.

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