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I got ready to visit the physiotherapist as he texted his address to me, he didn't mentioned time, so I'm going at my time, no problem ig.

I was walking over the door when I felt someones fingers on my wrist

I looked down and then the person who was holding it

It was ajey, sitting on his wheelchair

Ajey : where are you going???

Manu : to meet the physiotherapist, why?

Ajey : I'll also come with you, wait a minute

Manu : I can go my self

Ajey : no *he said faster then cheetah runs *

Manu : omg.... Are you jealous *laughed a lil*

Ajey : why.... W.. Hy would I be jealous I have ashm-

His word stopped, he removed his hand from my wrist and turned his wheelchair  in other direction, I felt my heart lil cracked, okay let's decided to get divorce after he fully recover

What the hell Manu, NO just NO or for him I should say yes?

"Ajey " His name automatically came out from my mouth, I hope he will turn around but he didn't, he continued moving away from me

I saw his going basically at that point ignoring me

I sigh with a blank face, and went outside

The cab was already there which I called

I sat in the backseat and the driver headed to the location

While I was just sitting I gonna through social media, and all I was just seeing that ppl wishing for ajey's recovery

And a thousand dm's that why I am not streaming, cause it was so long when I streamed and that also ajey made me to leave it in half


I reached to in front of the society, well it was a big society and no doubts that ppl in there aren't rich as hell

I rang the door bell

The door opened revealing a man wearing his white t-shirt

??? : yes? *checking me from top to toe, with smirking*

" How the hell is she " A women shouted at him from behind

??? : if I'm not wrong you –

Manu : Manu nagar , Ig I made a mistake, sorry *stepping backwards*

??? : no no no I'm  physiotherapist you are looking for, doctor sharma, right? , come in

Manu : but –

??? : don't worry that women will be going now, she is just that one night stand , you can come when she go out of the house

Manu : she don't seem like one night stand, btw non of my thing, and sorry that I still don't know you name

???? : my name is kartik

Manu : nice to meet you Dr. Kartik

Kartik : ahh a sexy I mean beautiful lady can just call me kartik

Manu : isn't your position you are proud of? I'll better call you DOCTOR kartik *giving him a not interested in his flirting look with a deadly smile *

Dr.k : ig I'll fall for you 1000 times more,I like girls with this type of attitude it's, a different thing I didn't got any like you, but wait I got you now *winked*

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