a bit of happiness is needed

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Today was the day we were going on trip and this guys probably making us late and we are going to miss our plane , can't keep my patience more I yelled

Manu : are you guys ready????

Ajey : wait a sec

Manu : what taking you so long???

Aradhya : mom just wait!!!

Manu : I'm waiting for like past 30 min and we are going to miss our plane now

Ajey : nahh don't take tension, plane's are never on time

I heard a laugh of aradhya and ajey , and literally have no patience I went in room aggressively seeing what taking them so long


Ajey's  P. O. V

Today was manu's birthday and I have never celebrated it, tbh we never got that time because of me, yeah I agree

So me and aradhya was decorating the cake and the gift we both brought for her, when she started yelling at as, tbh I have seen manu's every angry side but probably not this one

Aradhya : dad!!! Do it probably , where is your mind at??

Ajey : sorry aradhya, let's do it quickly before she come

Aradhya : yupsss

We can hear Manu was at peak of her patience and that moment she opened the door as aggressively as possible

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU "  Me and aradhya sang in together as she entered the room

Her reaction was like , she is don't know that today was her own  b'day


Manu's P. O. V

Ii knew it was my b'day and probably thought that no one remember it and they just gave me a surprise, the moment I felt so love
And actually it's not needed everyone to remember your b'day, everyone to wish you, it just fine when the ppl you love remember it and celebrate it with you with the same happiness :)

They hugged me and tbh it was the best thing and happened at very beginning of the day

Manu : I love you

Aradhya :*in teasing tone* to whom it was ? For dad huh??

I could see ajey getting all red at this point and he looks so cute being shy with that pleasant smile

Manu : for both of you

Ajey : I love you too... I mean we..... We love you too.

Aradhya : dam God I should leave my parents alone ig

Manu : shut up, let's go we are getting late

Ajey and aradhya : Yupp

----------at the airport ✈️

Aradhya : mom I'm getting bor!!!!

Ajey : me too, and I don't want to wear all this stuff

Manu : stfu you have to wear, what if ppl  see you!!!???

Ajey : ahhh I hate this thing

Aradhya : dad remove that cap and all, let's see what ppl do!!!

Ajey : you actually my child, aradhya, let's do it

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