more like contract couples

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We finished our dinner!!

Dr.k : so babe do you want me to drop you?

Ajey : I'm dropping them home , you can go

Manu : but I want to go from his car!!!

Dr.k : let's go baby *smirk*

Aradhya : mom no plzzz, plzzz I want to go with carry and the thing he is still my dad

Manu : he is not your dad, why would you say this all time , and you have to be with me if I go with dr.kartik

Aradhya : no I won't go I will go with dad

Manu : for the last time he is not your dad

Ajey : well I'm her dad, let's go daughter and wait till your mom come with us

And aradhya and ajey went in the car and started waiting for me

Dr.k : do you want to go or come?

Manu : obviously I'm going!!

Dr.k : yahh ik that, btw how good my acting was?

Manu : mm.. Okay it was good

Dr.k : good? Only good that also so coldly

Manu : joking...  You nailed it

Dr.k : ik now go, they are waiting

Manu : ahh yes

Ik Dr. Kartik is a pervert but he was literally spoke so normal today at least when he was not acting up, whatever still his first impression was like a pervert to me

I was stepping towards ajey's car and thought that even I should act a lil too

I stopped and turned back


Ig I was that loud that whole country hotel could hear me !!!


Ig he understood and that's why he too shouted the same way waving his hand high

I went in car, there the temperature was incredibly heated

I sat on the back sit as ajey was driving and aradhya was sitting beside him

Aradhya : mom?

Manu : yes?

Aradhya : me myself and my dad don't like this guy , he seems like a pervert 

Manu : I don't the hell care about what your dad thinks!!

Aradhya : at least you accepted that he is my dad

Ajey : well, seeing these we are really married couple ig

Manu : and how can you explain ajey sir?

Ajey : see we fight, we both got jealous and we both like each other

Manu : hahaha sorry but I never got jealous, she was a bitch and tbh she going to jail and we divorcing just happened together so ppl think that bad happened with you not me and I just don't like the fact that ppl even made something messed rumors and even in that rumors you were the one to gain sympathy, dam your fans can make any theory to make you the right person!!!!

Aradhya : even you was a minatian once

Manu : whatever I don't care

Ik that ajey must have got bit upset (okay not bit too much) but even I can't help out, it just happened I burst out, I too have feeling, don't I? It doesn't matter if I got into his bad people list!

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