Chapter 4- Hisoka

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I was just about to kill Eito with my sai, when a playing card sliced his head off, beating me to the kill. What the hell? Who dares steal MY kill.

I spotted the culprit and glared at him. It was none other than the jester.

Snapping, I shouted, "You baka! That was MY kill. Understand, MINE! Stop ruining my fun with your stupid cards you jester!"

I lowered my sai and faced the jester again, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Where did he go?" I questioned, surprised.


I jumped. He was right behind me, and REALLY close. I felt heat slowly spread across my face at the proximity.Chuckling nervously, I then not-so-gently pushed him away.

I glared. "If that happens again jester, be prepared to find yourself in deep sh*t."

"A girl like you shouldn't be using such language, but I'm looking forward to fighting you." He replied smoothly.

He was turning to leave when words started tumbling out of my mouth. "What's your name?" I questioned.

"It's Hisoka, pleasure to meet you. May I ask for yours?"

I didn't want to give him my real name, but, he could become a good ally in the future. Therefore, it wouldn't be wise to lie to him. But, since when was I wise?

"No. Find out yourself... Hisoka."

"Is that a challenge?" He asked, licking his lips.

"Of course Captain Obvious. See you around." And with that, I continued jogging.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A silver haired boy riding a skateboard abruptly slowed down beside me.

"What's your name?" He questioned.

I glanced at him. He had silver hair and blue eyes. His was appearance was innocent, but also quite intimidating.

"Akira. You?"

"Killua," he paused. "How old are you?"

"14, almost 15." I replied

"Eh! But you look 12!"

I didn't reply for a moment, but when I did, I said, "Does your face want to meet my fist?"

Killua just rolled his eyes and muttered, "You won't be able to even land a finger on me..."

I giggled, which soon turned into full on laughter, "Y-your hilarious!"

A light pink started spreading across his face. "O-ok. See you around." He then went to another boy with anti-gravity hair.

I suddenly noticed a bloodthirsty aura in the atmosphere. It wasn't coming from the kid or any one else I saw.

Glancing around the room, I found the culprit. It was some wierd...being who was covered with needles piercing "its" flesh. When "it" grasped that I had noticed "it", "it" averted his gaze.

Strange. How did he survive with all those needles in him. He looked like a porcupine.

I increased my pace, hoping to find an exit and get away from the weird porcupine. This was actually beginning to become tiring now. It had been so long since I had last seen daylight and I was sweating. Unfortunately, my stamina and speed was not like Sonic the Hedgehog's. I was only a human, afterall.

Besides, I also wondered how Ren was doing. I doubted I would get service here, but attempted calling him anyways. It did not work.

After a couple more minutes, I saw a glimpse of light. About time!

Anime reccomendation: I started Fairy Tail and it is AWESOME!!! I totally ship Nalu and Jerza and Gruvia and Gale!!!

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