Chapter 5- Perfect Moustaches

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Akira P.O.V.
"Majestic moustache man, are we done with the first phase of the exam?"

He turned around at the sound of my voice, and replied bluntly. "No."

I was a bit taken aback that he didn't go into detail like I was expecting him to. "Well, can you at least tell me what else we have to do in order to finish it?"


I huffed, "Okay, okay, I get it. You think I'm being annoying and should stop asking you questions."

Of course, he was going to say no like he was doing right now.


What a heartless man. He didn't even pause. Well then...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

( After 45 seconds )

"Please! Wait! Don't close the doors!" A man pleaded, about to pass out. Sadly, he was just about to make it when the doors closed on him. Poor thing. The world is a cruel place and will not wait for anyone. This was a lesson everyone would realize some time in their life.

"Now, stay close to me and be aware of..." Moustache man started, but was interrupted with another voice.

"Stop! That's an imposter! Look, this is the real examiner! The swamp monsters disguise themselves as humans and trick/lure humans so they can eat them. Don't trust him!" (Don't remember what it was.)

Doubt crept into the quiet atmosphere. It gradually turned into a noisy one with arguments about who the real examiner was.

"Yeah. He doesn't walk like a human..." One man started.

"But wasn't he just about to warn us?" Another man questioned.

"His moustache is also way too perfect!" (It looks like someone's jelly)

True. He didn't walk like a human, but he was about to warn us. Why would he do that if he wasn't the real examiner?

*whoosh* Cards flew past my face, missing it by just centimeters. Four flew towards the real examiner and four flew towards the other. The real examiner caught the cards swiftly, while the other fell to the ground with a thud.

"So that solves it. You are the real examiner." Hisoka slyly said.

"Yes. I will take that as a compliment. But, if that happens again in the future, I will report you."

"Yes, yes. Of course."

Wow. He just barely figured it out? I glanced towards Hisoka, and he quickly shot me a playful wink. Oh, so he already knew.

"As I was saying, stay close to me and be aware of swamp monsters."

A little too late moustache man. And I'm pretty sure everyone will be aware about them now. He then began walking speedily and the applicants struggled to follow him like before.

"What's a little girl like you doing all alone in the Hunter Exam?"

I turned my head towards the voice. My eyes were greeted with a buff man. He took one step towards me while examining me from head to toe. Pervert. I quickly kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.


"That's what you get for... er... yeah."

He glared daggers at me, and limped to a bush. I heard him mumble, "S-stupid... girl."

Without thinking, I grabbed the nearest object which happened to be a large, pointy rock, and threw it at him.

"You b*tch!" He snarled, but then quickly tripped and fell into some creatures arms.

"Awe... you are so adorable." The creature exclaimed while hugging him. Well, more like crushing him.

"H-help." He pleaded. I just smirked and tried not to burst out laughing.

I took a closer look at the creature. It was a large frog that seemed to be wearing makeup? She had heavy mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick. So, she appeared to look like a clown.

Clown. I wondered what Hisoka was doing...

Hisoka P.O.V.

I quickly sliced all of their heads off with my cards.

I sighed, "This is so boring, why doesn't someone exciting fight me?" Instantly, an image of Illumi, Akira, and Gon appeared in my mind. Illumi with his dangerous needles, Akira with her gorgeous sai, and Gon with his one of a kind fishing pole. Illumi was already ripe, but I didn't want to fight him because he had such exciting missions for me to go on with him as an "ally". And Gon had such a long way to go.

I needed a good fight soon. And my patience was wearing thin.

Manga reccomendation: Ouran High School Host Club. Words cannot describe how amazing this is. It's one of my favorites. It's just really funny! You can also watch the anime.

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