Chapter 14- Catman

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(Picture is catboy but he has brown eyes instead)

Dedicated to Pretzelalchemist and KestrelMatthews and Saita001

I was rereading some of my chapters and my reaction was "I wrote this shit?!?" So yeah. Still doing the editing. That's one reason it took so long to update.

Warning: You might die from how weird this chapter is.

Akira P.O.V.
"No, I am not doing that." I stated firmly, crossing my arms to further emphasise my point. "In fact, you can go to hell for even suggesting it."

"Please?" Zola begged. "It would work. I promise! It always does!"

"Always?" I gaped at her in disbelief. There was absolutely no way. She saw the disbelief written in my eyes and she shot me a reassuring look.

"Trust me on this." She insisted.

We both just stared at each other for a moment. With a sigh I caved in and muttered, "Fine." Zola jumped for joy and I was left to prepare to deal with the consequences of the decision I had just made.

"I'm going to regret this later, aren't I?"

(I skipped the introductions and small talk for Zola and Akira)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We continued walking until Zola "sensed" number thirteen's presence. The perky silverette signaled for me to execute my part, giving me a thumbs up for good luck before retreating back into the bushes. I was grateful she wished me good luck. If she did, she must have known how ridiculous this plan was.

I quickly slipped on a hula skirt which I got from Zola (don't ask), and plucked a bright yellow flower from a nearby bush to pin into my hair. I then started dancing Hawaiian style, swaying my hips and waving my arms, and in a monotonous voice said, "Welcome one, welcome all, to the Hawaiian Tiki Bar."

When number 13 did not come out after a couple of minutes of my "amazing" dancing, I sighed. "You know, it's a bar... which has food..."

'Surprisingly', right after I revealed that, I felt someone tackle me with such force that I fell backwards a great distance and hit my head on a tree.

"Ouch. You brat." I growled, rubbing my head from the pain. I was going to get them for this.

"W-where? Where's the food?"

Number 13 was a fragile but scary looking boy that seemed as if he hadn't eaten for days. He had brown eyes spotted with gold, which made him look like a feline, and his unkept hair made him appear lunatic. He even had fur on his chest! All of his features resembled an untamed cat, including his sharp teeth.

With as much sympathy I could muster for number 13, which was none, I said. "There is no food. Sorry dude."

His face saddened in reply. "What? But you said..."

"Look, if you hand over your tag, I'll give you food. Deal catman? Or catboy?" I snickered.

His adorable feline face contorted into confusion, but then transformed into one of determination. "I'm really hungry. But I promised... I promised him..."

"Promised who?" I questioned out of curiosity before I could stop myself.

"N-no one." He paused. "But, I've made my decision, and I'm NOT handing over my tag."

I sighed. I was hoping I wouldn't'to have to hurt this kid, but at the same time... I didn't care and was just looking forward to a fight.

Standing up and brushing myself off, I smirked while crossing my arms. "Then, I guess I'm fighting you for it."

He got into a fighting stance, with his teeth showcased and claws in the front of his body to protect it (I suck at stances). "Y-yes, you are. And guess what?" He said trying to sound intimidating.


"You're my target too."

Sorry for the really short chapter.

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