Chapter 13

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~~Izuku's POV~~

I peeked over the phone to see him sighing then looked at Sho

"even though we graduated you still be Mr. AIzawa to me"

I giggled before grabbing the phone from him "I'm sorry Sho but we dont have time for little chit chat" he raised his eyebrows at me before looking at Kaachan

"after all these years of you 2 being around each other he's just now picking up on things from you"

I shook my head and looked back at the phone as Kiri picked me up and placed me on his lap

"Ok the reason we called you is because Shoto's dad found out about all 4 of us being together and told him that if he doesnt leave us that he will leak the pictures out so we need you to set up a press conference because all of 1-A has decided that all of us are going to come out"

His head dropped and we could him groaning but he when he picked his head up I saw all of the pride he has for us shining in his eyes which made me happy

"fine fine I'll set it up but why not call your guys agency's to do it"

Ilooked at Kaachan who just clicked his tongue "we tried calling them but they were no help" Aizawa sighed

"ok fine but i have to go Yamada is about to burn down the kitchen"

When he hung up I looked over at Sho and saw that he looking sad so I crawled out of Kiri's lap and into his

"Sho don't worry it not your fault so dont go looking sad like that"

He smiled at me and ruffled my hair "ok good, now I'm going to take a shower to get this colren off of me" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before crawling out of his lap.

Giving both Kiri and Kaachan a quick kiss before skipping off to the room and grabbing my change of clothes before going to the bathroom

~~3rd POV~~

Once their little mate was gone Katsuki sat down next to Shoto and pulled him in for a hug "what the nerd said" Sho smiled more before sinking into his mates hug

"I hate to ruin this little happy moment but we need to clean the backyard before we head to bed"

Katsuki clicked his tongue before letting Shoto go and standing up "let's get that shit done because I want to be in bed before Izu get out of the shower"

By the time time Izuku was done with his shower all 3 of his mates was already in bed in their pjs waiting for him "about time damn nerd".

He chuckled and threw his swimsuit in the dearth clothes basket before laying in bed in between Shoto and Katsuki

"Aizawa texted me and told me that the conference is tomorrow afternoon around 1"

They looked at Kirishima and nodded "tell the others so they can know" with a small nod Kirishima went to the group chat that they all use and told them the same exact thing before locking his phone and putting it on the nightstand and snuggling up to Katsuki.

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