Chapter 22

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~~Bakugo's POV~~

I sighed as we got in the car "Izuku is going to be pissed at us" I looked at Kiri as he struggled to get his seat belt on with his arm in a sling "more like me" I smiled and shook my head as I leaned over and helped h buckle himself in

"Well since your off of work for few weeks you can stay with Izu and watch him"

He nodded as he let out a deep breath and relaxed into the seat "I wonder why he called in sick for a few weeks" I shrugged and started the car "maybe we should stop by the ramen shack and get him some dango and katsudon" Kiri pulled his phone out

"maybe we should see what Sho wants to eat to"

I hummed in reply as I started to get car and pulled out of our parking spot and started to drive "though I think Sho will cold soba" Kiri chuckled "yes true but still I want to make sure" I nodded my head as we came to a stop light

"hey Kiri have you ever thought of what it would be like to have a pregnant Izu"

I looked at him as he looked up from his phone "from how my mom was when she was pregnant with my little siblings very moody, very horny and depending on who the dad is first depends on which food he craves" I let out a airy chuckles as I start d to drive again when the light turned green

"Speaking of did you hear about the recent quirk killings"

I raised an eye brow as I glanced at Kiri for a few seconds then looked back at the road "ok how did you go from talking about a pregnant Izu to quirk killings and what in the hell is a quirk killing" he started to as he put his face in his hand "I'm serious how are those 2 subjects related" he shrugged

"Any ways a quirk killing is someone's quirk killing them"

"No I haven't heard about anything like that but I bet Izu does he watches the news way to damn much"

He turned the radio on and started to shift through the channels "he even watches the news from other towns and countries" I sighed "yes but he's always been like that even more so when he was told he was quirkless" Kiri sighed and put his phone down

"your right he wants cold soba and that must have been a hard for him but look how far he's gotten, he's the number 1 hero even though he's an omega and he has 3 handsome and sexy alpha mates along with very supporting friends and family"

I sighed as we pulled up to the ramen shop

"it seems busy so let's go through the drive through"

"yes sounds good"

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