Cuddle? - Bepo

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"Aw you're so cute and warm!!" You giggle hugging the poplar bear.

"S-sorry." He said looking down.

"Don't apologize." You smile at Bepo. He was always apologizing even when he did nothing wrong.

Bepo looked at you, faintly blushing. You were hugging him. It was cold on the island your crew was currently on.

"Why won't she cling to us?" Shachi asked Penguin. They weren't standing that far away but you couldn't hear them.

"Maybe because you would have a nosebleed." Penguin joked with his friend.

"Hey Bepo?"


"Can I cuddle with you? I'm cold." The bear blushed before nodding.

He sat down leaning against a wall. You quickly walk over and cling to him.

'So warm' You smile up at him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He was still blushing.

"Bepo? Have you found any pretty female bears yet?" You knew all he wanted was to find a female bear.

"No" he looks down sadly.

"Don't worry. You'll find her one day." You kiss his face(like the side of his nose.). He blushes and nods.

"Thanks for warming me up." You say to him.


This is bad right? I didn't know how to write this.


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