I opened my eyes to see a shorter woman looking at me. I had no memory of where I was, or how I got here.

"Easy now." The woman said, helping me up.

"Where am I?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I started to remember a few things.

"goodbye, Moon"

My eyes widened.

"My own brother tried to kill me?! Am I dreaming?" I yelled. I didn't want to believe it happened.

"Im afraid he did. You see, Mercer has done a lot of bad things recently." Karliah spoke.

I fell down to my knees in defeat.

"Mercer killed Gallus. I've been hiding ever since, because he blamed it on me." She said sadly.

"Why my own brother? I haven't done anything to him..."

"Some things are better left unknown." Karliah finished, helping me up.

She told me everything that had happened, and told us what we needed to do next. She had already inscribed Gallus' journal, so we just had to go to Winterhold.

We walked our way there. I was telling her about my life, considering we had a long walk ahead of us.

"So, do you have a special someone?" She randomly asked.

"Honestly? I don't know. Him and I... we flirt a lot, and I don't know if I have feelings for him, or if he has them for me." I said.

"Well, things will play out." She responded.

"What about you?"

"He was murdered." She said, sighing.


"Yes. He was my everything, but he was taken away." She said sadly.

I looked down at the ground. I still couldn't believe my own brother could've done something like that.

We soon arrived in Winterhold, and got the journal looked at. We had learned that Mercer had been stealing from the guild for years.

We finally made it back to the guild after a long walk. I was terrified to face everyone. Who knows what twisted lie Mercer told them?

"Are you ready?" Karliah asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied, fear building up. My hands were trembling, and I was afraid that I'd drop the journal.

I'm still wearing Bryn's jacket- I thought to myself.

What would he think about all of this?


Karliah and I walked through the door, my hands still trembling. I felt like I was gonna pass out, but there was no backing out now.

We made it down to the Flagon, and Karliah reached for the door handle.

"Wait-" I said, pushing her hand slightly away. She gave me a confused look.

"What will they all think?" I asked, scared to know the answer.

"There is no way to tell. Mercer could've told them you tried to kill him and steal his title as Guild Master." She replied. I shuddered and let her open the door.

I made sure to stay behind her as we walked in. I could feel all the gaze on us.

"I can't believe you'd have the nerve to step foot back in here." Brynjolf said to the two of us.

"Brynjolf, listen-" Karliah said as she grabbed the journal from my hands.

It hurt so much to see the three people; Rune, Sapphire, and Brynjolf; that I trusted, standing here with their swords pointed straight at us.

"And you, Moon. I thought you were dead until just now, but that's besides the point. I trusted you. I can't believe you'd go behind our backs to help out this murderer." Brynjolf said.

that is the second goddamn time I've heard that this week.

I stepped out from behind Karliah to tell him exactly what happened.

I was just about to open my mouth as Karliah put her arm out to stop me.

"Brynjolf, thats enough! Mercer has been lying to you all for years! He's been stealing from the guild, and Talos knows what." Karliah yelled. Brynjolf, Delvin, and Rune all walked over to the vault to see if Karliah was lying. Meanwhile, I was still in the corner, attempting not to have a panic attack.

"By the eight, you were right!" I heard Brynjolf say, rather loudly. I forced myself to walk over there. He looked at me and walked over. I flinched a little as he reached me.

"Lass, I'm so sorry-" He said, his voice cracking.

I hugged him as tight as I could. After everything, I needed it.

"Lass, I thought you were dead until a few minutes ago-" He croaked out. I could tell he was crying, but I knew he wouldn't admit it.

"Well, if it weren't for Karliah, I would've been." I said, laughing a little.

He pulled away and stared at me in confusion.

"What do you mean, lass?"

"Well, lets just say my brother isn't as nice as I thought."

"Mercer tried to kill you?!" Brynjolf yelled.

"Yep. He stabbed me right here." I said, pointing to my abdomen.

Brynjolf looked at me with the saddest expression ever. He hugged me tight, and I hugged him back.

"I'm so glad I didn't loose you." He said, kissing my forehead. I leaned into him, laying my head in his shoulder. Since he was a lot taller than me, its not like I could put it anywhere else.

We pulled away, and Sapphire and Rune were standing next to us.

"So we both owe you an apology." They said in unison. I hugged them too, because if not for Karliah, I wouldn't be hugging them.

"So... now what?" I asked.

"We go find Mercer, and make him explain everything. If necessary, we kill him." Karliah said. My heart dropped at the last part, but I knew it was for the better.

"When do we leave?" Brynjolf said.

"As soon as possible."


earlier today, brynjolf hated me and idk why and i was thrown out of the guild 😀🤚

i got back in but still-

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