Ep. 01 (PART 2)

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Layla's Smith POV

I camly sighed when I heard Jake was officially released from being prisoned in his room. Yet they didn't know he snicked out every night.

"Mom, I heard Jake's parents went out for something. Why is it?" I asked my mom. It's saturday and my mom's day off as a maid of pureblood family.

We're in my room and she sat beside me. "Layla, they went out for something and I know your curious about it but believe me my daughter...it's the best for all of us." She answered then combed my straight black hair. "Oh by the way, I just saw Jake walking towards here. I wonder where did he go now." She changed the topic and I left confused.

Now, I also wondering he was up for something. "YOHOW!!!" A sound of a voice appeared in the whole room yet even a single shadow I couldn't see anything. But that voice sounded familiar to me. "Hey I know it's you. Come the h*ll out of there now!" I shouted while scanning my eyes in every space in my room. "OK.OK, I'll leave you two. Have fun kiddos." My mom. She walked toward the door and left.

And now in just a blink of an eye he's already in front of me. "You're really a childish." I laughed as I saw something on his hair. The flower crown that I made earlier when we had our convo with my mom . I like flowers. Every single red flowers. "It's okay as long as I make you laugh." He grinned.

"Oh... Is this for me? Wait, I'm just wondering okay." He continued. He's really like a cute kid. "I think so." I replied shortly still smiled. I just couldn't believe that a pureblood would do such things. A cute little thing.

Everyone in our society feared him. Well, them in specific. Because of their titled PUREBLOOD. Because they were the most powerful among the whole vampires but they didn't have a clue that there were also a pureblood who could do such funny things.

And yes he was Jake a pureblooded vampire while I'm just a common vampire.

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