Story #4 - Fireheart

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Left, right, block, twist. This was getting repetitive.

Step away, duck, scissor kick.

Her trainer was good but she was better.


She yelped as he caught her flying kick pulled and landed hard smacking her head on the ground. The rubber mats they put on the ground before trained did little to soften the landing.

Well, that's what she got for letting her ego get in the way.

She rolled over slowly feigning a more serious injury. He reached down to give her a hand up.

She took the hand twisted and yanked hard sending him sprawling onto the floor next to her. She flipped her legs around his neck and caught him in a headlock. His arms grabbed her legs in a weak attempt to free himself.


"That was low." She knew it was. Luke had a heart of gold and couldn't resist helping someone in need. Still, in a real fight, she would do everything she could to win. Her legs gripped his head in an unbreakable hold.

"You still fell for it." She smirked at him, as he frowned.

"C'mon give up, you can't get out of this one"

A few more seconds went by. He was slowly turning purple. Luke finally hit the floor three times to signal he was out.

She smiled devilishly as she let his head go and watched him suck in a few deep breaths.

She had done well this time. It had taken her only five and a half minutes to get him pinned in a lethal position. She was improving, her dad would be proud. She was only 17 but she had the skills of someone much older than her.

She checked her watch.

"Dammit." She was late, again.

"Thanks for the session, Luke. Next time try and make it a little hard for me to kick your ass." She winked at him. Luke shook his head at her.

"Your attitude will get you hurt Nina. Remember, you shouldn't need to fight if there isn't a serious need for it. "She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say, Luke." She made her way out of the gym and into the small parking lot in search of her car. Her car was her favourite possession. She had spent half her life saving for her dream car which she had bought late last year. She pulled her key out of her pocket and clicked the button.

The Tesla Model X beeped from a few spaces away and she made her way towards it. It had been almost six months of owning this car and it still had that new car smell that she loved. The inside was more spacious inside than it looked from the outside.

The door opened upwards and she climbed in. Despite wanting a car that was obnoxiously noisy to gain attention, she liked the idea of the electric Tesla that was almost soundless. And besides, she hated paying for fuel. This way she could leave her car to charge overnight, just like her phone, and then it is ready for a drive in the morning.

She guided the car away from the gym and in the direction of her parent's house. It was only a 15-minute drive but she was well and truly late now, and tardiness was not a trait her parents smiled upon.

Just as she rounded the final corner to her parent's luxurious estate, she felt a sickening feeling in her stomach. Almost as soon as the feeling came she began to smell smoke. She stomped on the accelerator and sped the last 500 metres to the estate. She jerked to a stop on the house's long driveway and leapt out of the car.

Her parent's mansion was completely engulfed in flames.

In the time it took for the fire brigade to arrive, it was too late. The house was a ruin. And her parents-

The firefighters had attempted to brave the collapsing building in search of them but had been unsuccessful.

She was in shock. How had this happened? Her family home was a burnt pile of ashes, and the only family she had were dead.

The house was in perfect condition. Her mother always kept it in perfect condition and always up to code. There was no way it could have been an accident.

No. This was planned. Someone had done this. Her parents had enemies sure, but she didn't think anyone hated her family enough to kill them.

She felt empty. Sadness washed over her and tears trickled down her face. She wiped her face feeling a raging flood into her.

Her hands were set into fists. She was angry now. So angry. The killers had made a mistake leaving her alive.

She would find out who killed her parents. And she would make them wish they were never even born. 


Let me know if you would like this continued. I have a few ideas of where I could take this but I would love any feedback or comments. 

Have a great day :)

soph xx

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