Story #6 - "You better not be puking, momma didn't raise no bitch"

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The party was lame. That was my only conclusion after spending 20 minutes in this hell hole teenagers call fun. Drunk football players whined and groaned as the girls pulled them to the basement to play more beer pong. People were strewn over the filthy sweat-stained couch making out back to back with other couples. Not to mention the smell was horrendous. Stale chips mixed with alcohol and dried vomit. 

The only reason I was this shit of a hang out was to babysit my wild best friend. Despite topping the grade every school year since year 2 she wasn't very street smart, and by that, I mean that if someone told her to get in a white van to see a puppy, she would.

Ashley and I had been best friends since the second grade when she moved from Canada after her mum died. She was in a fatal car crash with a drunk driver and unfortunately didn't survive. Single parents were something I could relate to because my dad left after I was born so it had only ever been mum and me. I didn't mind however, my mum and I got along well. Ash also had a close relationship with her, since her mum had passed my mum had sort of adopted her into our family. This was great since I got to hang out with her basically whenever I want and do whatever we pleased while we were together. My mum worshipped Ash perhaps a little too much. Sometimes I felt like she loved her more than I but I ignored that thought most of the time.

The party had been Ash's idea. She wanted to do something rebellious against her dad who was a bit of a control freak. And so she had decided that an illegal rager fuelled by underage drinking and teenage sex would be the way to go. My mum was relatively ok with the idea of me attending this party, as long as I didn't get caught by the cops. It wasn't my first blowout but the social part of a party wasn't my scene. I only really came for the free booze and occasionally a meaningless hook-up with someone I didn't know. It was my way of coping with my declining mental health.

This, however, had been one of the most shitty parties I've been to, everything stank and the people were as fake as my happiness. I decided to go find Ashley so we could leave this hell hole and go home. My head was pounding and I desperately wanted to sleep. I looked at my watch. It was barely past 12. So much for a wild night.

The was a loud crash that sounded above and a shout that followed that sounded suspiciously like Ash. Oh jeez, what had she gotten herself into now? I quickly made my way upstairs following the noise. Just as I made my way to the top of the stars, Ash came hurling toward me.

"RUN!" She screamed at me and one quick look at the angry people behind her was enough to make me oblige. We bolted down the stairs and pushed our way hastily through the living room and out the front door, giving shouts of apology as we shoved past.

We didn't stop running until we were two blocks away. Ash and I turned to each other and burst into hysterics. We cackled together until the sound of a car around the corner shook us out of our reverie.

"What happened back there?" I asked Ash as we began walking back to my place.

"Don't be mad ok?"

"Ah shit Ash what did you do?"

"It wasn't that bad, it was only the thing you told me......." She trailed off looking sheepish.

"What thing?"

"The thing you said about playing poker." I looked at her questioningly. "About how to cheat with the extra deck of cards." I burst out laughing. Of course, she had tried to cheat. She was terrible at poker. I tried to teach her my undeniable skill but she just couldn't pick it up. So I taught her how to cheat instead. She looked at me guiltily.

"So you're not mad?"

"No of course I'm not mad. I'm just surprised you tried to cheat. Did you win anything at least?"

"Yeah duh, I only got caught at the end of the game which was when you showed and we ran." She pulled a thick wad of cash out of her bra and fanned it out, flourishing it at me. I stared at her in shock.

"Holy fuck Ash much is that?"

"Enough." She smiled smugly at me. I echoed her sentiment and together we waltzed up the front steps of my house where she intended to sleep off the hangover tomorrow. My mum was lying on the couch, watching her favourite T.V. show. It was an old one. One that had been cancelled long before I was born. She had the entire series downloaded. All 378 episodes and she watched them all the time.

Ash and I attempted to walk past her without comment but alas, my nosy mother just couldn't help herself.

"How were the party girlies?" We stopped just before the stairs.

"It was fine," Ash and I chorused together. We looked at each other and giggled.

"Well good to know some of us had a fun Friday night, I wish you would let me tag along to your girls' parties they sound fun."

"Mum we've talked about this, even though you are a young mum doesn't mean you can hang out with teenagers."

"I would find it hilarious if your mum showed up to a party with us, imagine the reaction of everyone when they knew you brought your mum." Ash laughed quietly to herself as I rolled my eyes. Ash opened her mouth as if to say something in return but her face turned white and her knees wobbled.

"Ash you good?" A light sweat broke over her forehead.

"I don't........." Her chest heaved like she was going to be sick and she bolted up the stairs. I followed her quickly and held her hair as she hurled her guts up. As she finished heaving I heard mum shout something up at us from the living room.

"You better not be puking," she half yelled.

"Momma didn't raise no bitch." 

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