A random conversation

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Hey guys! This boy Shane and I were texting a while ago and got quite bored. We decided to make a small story! Hope you enjoy!

Me: Once upon a time a magical elf stole someone's notebook.

Shane: and the notebook belonged to a man named

Me: Mr. Hewezonit. He lived in a high heel shoe of a women and was 11 feet tall.

Shane: as she took a step mr hewezonit

Me: Escaped on his magical dragon! He then went on a search for his notebook!

Shane: his big red notebook was droped in the land of the red midgets

Me: All of the midgets surrounded the strange object as some poked at it with large acorns.

Shane: as mr hewezonit flys over the land he rembers it changes colors by his mood so he tryed to

Me: Become very sad, which would change the notebook to a vibrant emerald green.

Shane: the midgets jump back and they run to there castle abot to shoot the notebook with a cannon

Me: Just then, Mr. Hewezonit jumps down from his magical dragon and screams "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"

Shane: but it was to late they had already fired and mr hewezonit is

Me: Shot devastated! The red midgets think he is going to attack so they

Shane: kill his magic dragon so he walks back home and this time brings a army

Me: Of the avengers!!! Running back to his home, he can't keep up with the lady!

Shane: so he goes back to the land of the red midgets and

Me: Meets a beautiful midget lady! And they live happily ever after!!!!
Hope you liked our silliness! 

Leave a comment and tell me something fun you and one of your friends do! Vote if you enjoyed!

-Tori Mondello

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