Piece 2: Another piece for a Writers Workshop

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  "Fireworks!" I drew my gaze from Sophie and looked to where she was pointing. A red firework exploded into the calm waters of Sandy Neck Beach. Letting out a small laugh, I put my arm around her and watched the red, white, and blue explode into the night sky. Every year, My family and I travel across the street to Sandy Neck Beach to spend the 1st-4th of July in a camper. This year, I went with friends. I don't have a lot of friends so the choice wasn't hard.

            With me, I have my 21 year old "brother," Jared, and his girlfriend, Meghan. Meghan is the same age as Sophie, my girlfriend (Who is also here). They both turned 19 in February. They're the closest of friends I've ever known. Through all the pain Sophie's parents caused, Meghan was always there to comfort her with open arms. A cherry bomb went off and Sophie let out a small whimper. Bringing her closer to me, I kissed the top of her head, reassuring her that she was safe. Getting here was a hassle, but at this moment, I couldn't be happier...

            "C'mon, Devin! We have to get there early to get a spot. It's the 4th of July weekend, it's going to fill up fast!" Sophie lectured, pulling me out of my bed. "Ok, Ok! I'm ready." She sighed and I pulled her into a hug. " Everything's going to be alright." I calmly whispered into her ear. She looked at me with a stern expression. "Don't quote Bieber." I laughed, making her serious mask crack. She plopped down on the couch and started laughing. I joined her, soon reaching out my hands and tickling her ribs. She screamed and kicked, begging for mercy, but the only time I ever stopped was when she threatened not to talk to me for the rest of the day. I stopped immediately, "You. Wouldn't. Dare." She turned her back away from me and crossed her arms in front of her chest. I gasped and picked her up. Carrying her bridal style, I made my way to our beat up RV. Putting her in the passenger seat, I started it up. "Safety first!" I cheerfully buckled my seatbelt across my lap.

            Looking over to Sophie again, a smile grew on my excited lips. Another firework flew up into the air to have us staring in awe once more. The fireworks ended with a breathtaking finale and soon, we were heading inside to go to bed. There were 2 beds so the girls slept together and the boys slept together.

            I. hate. Sleeping. With. Jared!!!! He's so annoying sometimes. He snores, talks, and punches in his sleep. I should've taken the ground!

            "Devin!" Sophie yelled in my ear, waving her hand in front of my eyes.

            "What?" I asked, clearly confused.

            "I've been talking to you for like, 5 minutes!!" She yelled and put her head down on the camper table.

            "I'm sorry. I promise I'll listen. I smiled, hoping she wouldn't be mad at me.

            "Mmm." What did that mean? Was she mad?

            "Hey! What were you saying? I pinky promise I won't zone off this time." I held out my pinky for effect. She took it with hers and started talking," Ok so, My cousin Danny is getting married and I was wondering if you wanted to go to the wedding with me? You would have to wear a shirt and tie with some nice pants because it's pretty casual. You'd also have to get to my house at least 1 hour before the wedding and you can either change clothes there or at your place."

            "Sophie of course I'll go! You didn't even need to ask. And I have a shirt and tie. I can dress at my apartment and will leave my house 2 hours earlier to make sure I'm on time. The only problem is shoes. I can probably use my dads but if not. I might need to go shopping."

            "Ok, the wedding is on the 29th at 3 o'clock. So be there at like 1 or 2." I nodded my head and went to change. Time for swimming!

            When I came in from the water with Jared, Meghan and Sophie were sun bathing. I was tempted to run up and hug Sophie, making her soaked in the process, but I didn't. See? I'm a nice boyfriend. Jared? Not so much. He ran up to Meghan, picked her up bridal style and brought her down to the water. Did I say "to the water?" I meant "in the water." Then, a drenched Meghan stomped back up to the shore. I ran to get her a towel before she hurt someone.

                        Another night meant another bonfire. Another bonfire meant more fireworks. More fireworks meant a cuddly Sophie. Win-win situation. Tonight, we made s'mores. The 3rd night we added some hot dogs to the bonfire. While we roasted the hot dogs, Jared got out sparklers and soon, the night was a rainbow filled with different colors, high and low.

                        Finally, it was the 4th. The night everything went crazy! We started the day at 8:30, Jared and me, talking quietly in the camper, while the girls swam in the freezing water. Then we had some lunch and took a walk on the trails. The sand was hot so Jared and I carried Meghan and Sophie on our backs, running like horses in the thick sand. Finally it was time for the bonfire. I played with the fire, trying to get it bigger with my shaky hands. They all dragged over chairs and I pulled Sophie on my lap. Soon it was dark and I knew there was no turning back. I'm ready.

            "Sophie, will you marry me?"


What did you guys think?? I entered this as my submission to a writers workshop a few years ago! Leave a comment on what you thought! And maybe vote?

Thank you for reading!

-Tori Mondello

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