Scare of the Year

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Hello!!! I've decided on a plan :P I'm going to finish up 3 short stories and upload them to wattpad. Then, I'm taking a break until next Christmas to edit The Training Stage without distractions. We'll see how it works out :). During the break, I'll only be writing things for English class.

This story is a short one I wrote because I was really in the mood for Halloween :)


“Kiera, are you almost ready?” The blonde haired best friend waited patiently for Kiera to come down from her room. They were going to a Halloween party and she didn’t want to be late. Her crush, Jake, was going to be there and, dressed as a nurse, she was ready to impress him.

                “Relax Miranda, we won’t be late. If we’re late, I’ll give you half of my candy.” Kiera tramped down the stairs, dressed in her Queen of Hades outfit.

                “You know, you could’ve been a little more creative with your costume.” Kiera remarked on her friend’s store bought attire. Kiera had stitched black threads onto a red dress and got a devil horn headband earlier in the week. For shoes, she was sporting 2 inch black heels and red eye shadow brought out her bright green eyes. Kiera also dyed a strip of her normally straight, brown hair, red and curled it. Both girls were ready to go, so without any word of good bye to her parents, Kiera left the house with Miranda on her heels. She would regret not saying goodbye later. For now, though, let’s focus on where they’re going.

                Sam Matthews was the host of this party and had spent all afternoon decorating both the inside and the outside with haunting decorations. White ghosts and rotting zombies jumped out from every tree or bush. Tomb stones were arranged in a “graveyard” towards the front of the house. Sam even put hands sticking up from the ground in front of the stones. Spider webs entangled unlucky guests and a bat even swooped down by Miranda and Kiera’s heads.

                “This is so awesome!” Miranda looked around at the decorations in awe as they entered the house. Like the outside, it was decorated with ghosts, zombies, spider webs, bats, and cleverly placed severed limbs. A smoke machine was sending drifts of puffy gray smoke throughout the house, causing Kiera to wrinkle her noise in disgust from the putrid sent.

                Everything was going well with the party. Kiera and Miranda both had soda and were trying to stay away from the alcohol that was slipped in.

                “Oh there’s Jake.” Kiera spotted out Jake for Miranda and the two girls hurried over excitedly.

                “Hey ladies,” Jake smiled at Miranda and Kiera, a drink in hand. Kiera was confused, she didn’t think that Jake was the type to be drinking while underage. Kiera knew to keep quiet about this, but Miranda had other ideas.

                “What’re you drinking?”  She batted her eyelashes sweetly and moved closer to him. Kiera rolled her eyes and inwardly face-palmed.

                “Just a mixture of coke and grape soda. It’s pretty good, you want some?”

                “I’d love some, thanks.” Kiera was both relieved and disgusted. Relieved that her best friend’s crush wasn’t breaking the law and disgusted in the mushy romantic Miranda was becoming.

                Jake turned his back on them and went to get her soda. Just as he disappeared from their sight, a loud crash made everyone in the house freeze.

                “Ok, whoever broke that is paying for it.” Sam paraded through the house, trying desperately to find the source of the noise. A high-pitched scream reached everyone’s ears as girls bombarded the room. They were all screaming about a gun and a mask. Kiera turned to Miranda.

                “It’s probably just a joke for Halloween.” Miranda nodded, but she was nervous. What if they actually got hurt?

                Jake ran back into the room again, screaming to the nearest person to call the cops. He then ordered everyone outside. They all followed, getting pushed and shoved into a crowd of panicked teenagers. Everyone ended up outside, but Kiera and Miranda were separated. To make matters worse, both of their phones were in the house.

                “Kiera?” Miranda searched through the screaming mob, looking for her best friend.

                “Miranda watch out!” Jake came from behind her and tackled her to the ground. Looking up, she now saw a knife sticking out from the ground…right where she was standing moments before.

                “Oh my god, you saved my life.”

                “Come on, I’ll drive you home.” Miranda started to protest, telling Jake about finding Kiera. He would have none of it and dragged her to the car. Once she got home, she went straight to bed, praying that Kiera would be ok.

                A week later, the newspaper came out.

“MISSING: 16 year old Kiera McLaughlin, last seen at a Halloween Party”


That's that :) How did you like it? Leave a comment telling me what I need to improve on please :) Wish me luck on editing TTS!

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