Corrupting the Light for My Advantage

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Listening to Dave Matthews...l was thinking the smooth, light, expert joy of his music might bring me to my old self...light and full of sunshine, not thinking about what I love thinking about now. What I love thinking about now isn't what Dave Matthew's music makes you think about.

I sat for awhile, the whole time entirely focused on not thinking what I prefer to think about NOW.

Do you ever do this? I will put it into context for you... say, for instance, as a complete non sequitur, you are sitting in your favorite chair and your spouse is going on and on about something you lost interest in about five hours before. You are in your favorite chair...trying. God! Trying to watch your football team fighting to win their wild card seat into the Super Bowl. What happens in your brain then? Tell me your creative mind doesn't begin imagining all the things you could do to finally have some quiet to enjoy the rest of the game.

Am I right? Blessed silence? What we wouldn't give for it then, am I right? So you get busy. You're right next door to a room equipped with all the instruments you need. Silence is just moments away. I mean, the fact that you haven't looked at your spouse in twenty minutes, so intent are you in silently conveying your complete lack of interest in EVVERY WORD coming out of their mouth and THAT HAS NOT WORKED.

What is a football fan to do? I know you know what I am sayin' here. You FEEL Me! I MEAN seriously! What football fan doesn't FEEL ME!

So, of course I said I had to grab another brew. (I don't need a cold brew, but I do need my instrument for the delivery of silence)

Okay. Feeling like you've got a little context now? I WOULDN'T want to leave you hanging without an understanding of the context here.

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