Chancing - Tsukasa x Reader - No genre

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It was 2:45 pm. You were supposed to be in class, yes, but you'd been out next to the school's biggest gossip, Aoi, a purple haired female who always seemed to be smiling. Sort of annoying, I was, knowing she wouldn't hesitate to spill information about you, just so she could have something nice to talk about for a while, before she got bored and moved onto her next victim. That's how you thought of her anyways.

Getting away had been easy, forming a reason to be excused had been as simple as taking a breath. In other words, saying you needed the toilet hadn't been difficult.

"Wonder if she's going to summon Hanako-san!" You'd heard Aoi exclaim with a giggle as you left.

"Make sure you have a wish ready!" She'd called after you, not even receiving a scold from the teacher whilst she snickered.

It was quite infuriating really.

You weaved your way through the school, not even keeping track of the doors you passed to reach your end destination. A door, leading to what you obviously supposed, a room.

A sign was plastered in clear view before your eyes.

'Broadcasting room, not in use, do not enter.'

You contemplated for a while. Should you go in? If you were caught, you'd no doubt be in serious trouble, but why would you be caught?

Who would enter with such an obvious sign stuck into the door? If you went in, there would be nobody to disturb you and you would finally receive some peace. What, it wasn't like there was a ghost on the other side, what were you so afraid of?

You clutched the entry handle. In a way, it held a sort of warmth as if someone had only just recently opened it. Heh, what a joke. You bowed your head, a thank you for the childish though adding humour to the situation, and felt your hands push the gate between you and the other room.

Opening the door, you could feel a burst of heat wash over you. The scent of milk tea rushed through your nostrils and you could hear the sound of a spoon hitting a glass.

Lifting your head, you met three different pairs of eyes. Three people were seated at a table, appearing to be chatting over muffins and a cup of tea. Anyways, that was what you could infer they had been doing, at least, before you walked in and interrupted whatever discussion they may or may not had been having.

Staring at each in turn, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the fact your plan had flopped so terribly. Like, seriously.

"Didn't mean to disturb your tea party." Was all you could sheepishly muster. You were about to step back when you heard a response:

"No, it's fine. Come sit with us." Looking directly to the speaker, you could see a girl with green hair staring at you.

Nodding your head, you started to walk towards her. You pushed open an empty chair and sat yourself, which caused the same viridescent haired girl to stare at you.

"Why not sit there?" She pointed to the seat besides her. You would have, had it not been for the fact a boy was already there, mindlessly stuffing his face into a muffin as he seemed to ignore you existence.

"There's a boy there." You truthfully said. You weren't dumb, you could register the slight looks of shock you received, excluding the muffin boy who failed to show any sign of apprehension to do with anything relating to your existence.

You raised an eyebrow. Seconds passed, if you had counted, precisely 32.

"You can see him?" A brown-hair boy asked, his hair wavy, his mouth set in a 'W' shape.

"You shouldn't be able to, he's a ghost." The green-haired lady said. Her eyes seemed calm, only holding a small barely visible glint of concern, but even a fool would have been able to sense the panic in her voice.

The boy, supposedly the ghost, looked up, having finally taken notice of the situation.

"Y'all's talking about me?" He looked at you, smiling, deceivingly innocent.

"If you're a ghost I'm a donkey's good friend."

You gained no response. A few moments passed.

"I guess you are then!" The 'ghost" boy said, grinning as he spoke in a cheerful manner. Your eyes narrowed at the late reaction. Clearly he had been thinking about something, something he didn't want you to know, at least, at that time.

To be fair, how were you to know what you had just gotten yourself into?


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