Clueless - You decide - No genre

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By you decide, you can choose whether or not you want this to be a Tsukasa x reader one shot or Hanako or Yashiro or something. The choice is yours!
I've been trying to make my one shots gender neutral but for this sort of one shot I've decided to make it for both a girl and a boy. The girl part shall be written in italics, meaning it's what is said or what happens to the female reader. The boy part shall be written in the same bold I am writing now with italics, meaning it's what is said or what happens to the male reader. The part in normal writing means it was written for both the male and female reader.

I hope this isn't too complicated!

I'll make sure to label each section to try and avoid confusion!


Both readers, this section is for both male and female readers.

"Please Y/N!!!!"

You stared at Tsukasa. He held a helpless expression, one of innocence and naivety but you knew how fake it was. His only goal was to manipulate you into befriending his brother. He wanted to be at advantage.

Female readers, this section is for female readers.

"I know your game Tsukasa. I'm not planning to be a part of your dumb plan, you only want to use me."

"Why would I want to do that?! You're my friend!"

Male readers, this section is for male readers.

"How could I even explain my presence in the girls toilets? I'm a guy, that brother of yours might have the guts to stay in a female toilet but that could never be me!"

"Y/N! Please! You're mean to be my best friend, it's not even that deep!! If my brother can do it, why can't you?

Both readers, this section is for both male and female readers.

He followed your gaze towards the bathroom door, lightly smirking. So you were able to be persuaded, he just needed to say something more.

"If you go in, I'll let you skip broadcasting club for today. I'll even let Sakura go as well, the two of you can go home for the day!"

That was all that needed to be said. You nodded your head before bowing your head down and making your way to the bathroom.

You opened the door.


"Hanako!! For one could I not go-"

As the door opened, a girl stopped speaking. She stared at you before lightly blushing. Damn.

Male readers, this section is for male readers.

She couldn't help but stare. You were her sort of guy, there was something about you she couldn't exactly say.

Female readers, this section is for female readers.

She couldn't help but be captivated by your looks. You were extremely pretty in your own sort of way, you held your own natural beauty. She had never seen anybody who looked at you.

Not to mention... your legs were extremely slender.

Both readers, this section is for both male and female readers.

You took a step inside, shutting the door behind you. You smiled at the female in front of you, trying your hardest to not look at the ghost behind her. You needed to keep the gig up, you didn't straight up want questions thrown in your face.

"Sorry. You see... I had to run an errand sent by a teacher... I had to put some books in the library. I came here to check myself in the mirror."

The girl nodded. You smiled appreciatively and looked to your reflection.

You didn't look too bad, your nose was slightly scratched from where you'd hurt yourself earlier. Other than that, you looked fine.

You rubbed at it for a while, 4 seconds if you'd have been counting.

You proceeded to turn to the girl that stood staring at you.

"My name is Y/N L/N, but you may call me Y/N. Who are you?"

Male Readers, this section is for male readers.

"My name is Yashiro Nene, you can use my first name. May I ask why you're in the girls bathroom.

You stared at her, grinning as you let out a slight chuckle. Then you spoke.

"There's a huge mess in the boy's bathroom. I know this may sound weird but as I said, I just came here to check myself out I thought it would be okay. You see, some boys here are super disgusting, you don't even want to know what I saw. I just felt really weird in there so I decided to come in here for a moment."

It wasn't your best excuse. You were fully aware of how dumb you sounded but Yashiro still seemed to believe you. The wonder besides her raised his eyebrow but didn't bother to speak.

"Okay! It's fine! I totally understand!

Female readers, this section is for female readers.

"My name is Yashiro Nene, you can use my first name. It's splendid up to meet you! May I ask, which teacher sent you to the library.

Curious, she was. You could tell. You still answered.

"Mr Tsugimori. He said he had more important things to do and he wasn't interest in the library. He said he had no business there."

Yashiro nodded at you, seemingly in belief. The wonder stood besides her only raised his eyebrow, you could tell he didn't believe you.

Both readers, this section is for both male and female readers.

It pissed you off, the way Tsukasa's brother stared at you. Soon enough, the mask would slip and one would realise that you could see ghosts. There was no point.

"Who are you?"

You knew his name.

You knew his games.

You just needed to act... clueless.


Tsukasa x Reader // One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now